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Joe Miller

New C&H  Concept

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Hello Every one. My question is: Would you like a new C&H, that uses new concept, it will be TOTALLY DYNAMIC and it will seem a REAL war simulation.

1) First off all the map will turn around a little area, stop 50 km battlefield with 12 player per side! The town//places to hold will be 3, maximum 4. In the firts case there will be 1 town near to West base and one town near to East Base and one in the middle.

2) Second: RESOURCES.

Stop with unlimited resources, and vehicle respawn! This time you will not have rearming menu! You will start totally naked in your base and you will have to get weapons by ammo store. Note: the resources are LIMITED this means that there will be only about 50 guns with 250 magazine 20 handguns with 60 magazines 20 Hand bombs 10 Greneades, 5 mines, 5 pipebomb. After u finish theese you will have to look for them on ground. BUT there is a possibility: The team leader can call in refurniments with a radio command. When you call refurishment u specify what kind of:

Ammo: will come two ammo trucks , followed by a defence APC.

Armoured: Will come a convoy of 1 heavy armoured vehicle, 2 light armoured , 2 APC, two cars and a truck.

Ammo+Armoured: will come a convoy with 1 Ammo truck 1 light armour, 1 apc, 1 truck and 1 car.

You can do a Refurnishment call every 20 minutes.

BUT, it isn't ended here.

The convoys will start from a place to decide, but they will have to pass for a street that pass by the middle town , and before convoy gets into base human player cant control them.

Now, enemy could try to stop the refurnishment convoy, destroying it, mining the street etc. So its bettere if someone guard on the convoy!!!

3) Vehicle

STOP with unlimited vehicle sistem and vehicle respawn! Thats not real! You will start with 2 Heavy armour, 3 Light armour, 4 APC 6 cars and 3 trucks. No heli and so on.

In the towns//place to conquer there will be a limited number of vehicle, and no respawn. in the middle town there will be 1 Heavy armoured 1 Light armoured , 2 APCS and 3 cars.

In the other 2 there will be 1 light armour 1 apc and 2 cars.

A way to get vehicle would be to steal them from cities and bring to base.

And it will become important to do strategy plans: if we see we cant hold the town we will destroy the armour into it before enemy get em!

4) And this should be the last

Artillery. Each side has a artillery position, that is difended by 4 100% skilled IA soldier. The artillery position is one "STATIC_ARTILLERY" Object.

When the Cannon is alive the players can call in artillery strikes by on map single click. The artillery can do maximum 50 strikes because of ammo end! But 50 strikes are many! And than, what do? Simple, go to the enemy artillerybase, kill the guards and the eventual human players and destroy the artillery cannon! If the cannon is destroyed player cant call in arti attacks.

Thats should be all. What do you think about this idea? Would you like to play it?

I think it will be perfect in a ww2 enviroment, but for now let's start with basic things!

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Sounds good...

You could look at this post too...

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>My project</span>

Not all that is said in that post is final sullotion...

Project is under buildup and about 3% is finished but i will update that number soon since im working on this right now.

Click on my silly Sig-image to see a "small" html file with additional planning... (Also about to be dramatically updated)

Cheers  //Richard

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