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Player Info at wait screen

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How do you set the info when you are at the game in progress screen and click on a player name?

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I feel so green... I've looked everywhere for the tutorials (found plenty on mission editing and stuff), but can't find the right info.

Anyone care to help a flailing player?

Thanks smile.gif

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You dont have to be in a "squad" You just have to be able to have access to a webserver. Most ISP's give you a little web space to work with. You need to get the sample Squad.xml files which come with instructions and modify them to show your own info. Once you modify them, you ftp them to your website(all the files need to be in the same directory) The only one you need to edit is the squad.xml file. You can do it in notepad. Make sure your id# is the same as the one that is shown on the player section in the player edit screen in game. And you need to put the full URL to the squad.xml file on your website in the squad url box in the player section in the game ie: <a href="http://members.home.net/hanzfam/squad.xml

here's" target="_blank">http://members.home.net/hanzfam/squad.xml

here's</a> what it looks like in notepad:

<-------------cut here-------------------------->

#<?xml version="1.0"?>

#<!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd">

#<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>



the squad.xsl and squad.dtd should'nt have to be messed with. The logo.jpg is the picture that will be shown on vehicles you mount in the game and will be seen by others when they press 'p' or are sitting waiting for new game to start. mine is 128x128/24bit color. Very simple picture.

Hope this helps

(Edited by hanzerik at 6:02 pm on Oct. 28, 2001)

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Yea, I forgot to mention that the files are all in a zip file. I got mine from your website RN, everything you need is in that zip file. I was thinking that he had allready downloaded the files and had trouble getting it to work like i did last nite LOL. I had probs until I put the complete url with /squad.xml


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