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Console Cheat......programers needed

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this is mainly for the console cheat where u see shit appear on maps etc

you must follow these instructions to the letter if u want a cheat free game and u must get as many people as possible to delete their MPmissions folder missions and copy them into MPmissionsCach folder...its the only way to stop the console cheater.....as they have a modyfied pbo in order to activate the console.....the server has the genuine pbo ...and the cheater will differ from teh server so we can assume hes either a cheater or someone who hasnt deleted their mpmissions folder

Player: ... copy and past all missions in the MPmissions Folder TO MPmissionsCach folder............then Delete all missions in your MPmissions folder............if u want to play a multiplaye game on your own just copy the mission from MPmissionsCach back to MPmissions ....but remember to delete it afterwards

Server Side and Admin:

I'll try to break up this into bits and pieces so it makes some sense.

This cheat prevention protocol is done by serveradmin through some tricks and MUST be case sensitive

In order to play mfcti_1_16_everon.eden.pbo you need to have the file in the servers MPMissions folder.

To check for cheaters you need to have a copy of the same file in a MPMissionsCache-folder on the server.

The filecheck on missionfile is to be done when in briefing. This is because its not until when all have downloaded the mission you can find the cheater.

The second file to check is res/bin/resource.bin. This file can be checked during connect to server, and if it differs from server, it should first be treated as a failed update of the game, not as a cheat. Tell the player to fix the issue and do not let him into the game. The file isn't big, if your clanmate has an issue with it, send over yours.

There's probably alot of other files to check in order to find various cheaters, but this is the one we are conserned with.

Now to the commands.

CODE for the Server.CFG





If you add the above to your serverconfiguration file, you've added the check of resource.bin. Please note that windows server might want backslash instead of frontslash, the example is taken from a server which is a Linux server.

In briefing when all have turned yellow, the admin executes following command:


#debug checkfile MPMissionsCache/mfcti_1_16_everon.eden.pbo

Those who fails this check will never play on the RN server again. That's the bitter truth. Atleast not until the person has taken on a new identity. *sigh*

NOTE: Windows doesn't use frontslash (/) to differ folders like Linux does, rather backslash (\).

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