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Idea: Campaign-Twin barrel

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I was hit with a somewhat good idea, how about England, and Spain (With unoffical US support) have war with Fance and Purtugal.

Quote[/b] ]...During the summer there was a bombing on a Paris capatol building. Spain, who France beleives carried the attack, claimes Terrorist is the answer on who really did it. But Spain with a lack of hard evedence is attacked by France. The French main guy calls on Purtugal's main guy to form a deal and attack Spain. The British, beleving the Spainish, Attacks Portugal to halt it's advance. After four months into the war a tape is revealed to thew US showing that terrorist did actualy carried the attack, and was in spainish uniform. Devestated, the US shows the tape to the French and compares the men to wanted terrorist, match. But the french blaming the US of tampering with the tape, refuses to buy the story. Now after nine months and the UN tring to stand clear of the matter (in fear of it deviding, and erupt into a WWIII) calls the two countries to encurage diplomacy and end the war. The US finally sends some SpecOps to portugal, Unofficaly. One year of fighting passes, The US still unoffical recieves news of a devistating Invasion on the British, But its not the French its the Germans. Now seing that this has come to WWIII the US enters the War on the Polycause side (UK & Spain). Germany and France (Purugal destroyed by the british) encurage Itally to join saing that they will be next. Itally declines and gets an attack on their embassy in Germany. Itally warns Germany to stop being 'childish' and gets ready for war. The US knowing that if Itally gets involved the rest of Europe will eventually get involved too. Encurages the Italians to stay out of the war, and that they will protect them. Two years into the war, France falls due to econominc reasons (US SpecOps) and leaves Germany alone on the MonoCause side. The Germans devise a way to get the Italians involved, Attack their embacy in France. After three months, the German Sobatuors pull it off and Itally joins the MonoCause side agaist the US (Their promise broken). Finnaly after five years of fighting WWIII the UK invades Itally (by themselves) and takes Them by suprise. completely astaunished, the Italians have no chioce but to surrender (Millitia ineffective). Germany once again is alone. The US halts their advance just outside German coutry lines and calls the Spainish and Britsh to do the same. After five and a half years of fighting the PolyCause agrees to meet German officals for a surrender. Thus ending the third World war.

I know it might take some time but imagine, playing as both Mono And Poly Causes sides. I would make the Campaign myself but, I'm not a unit maker. Any suggestions to change, aprovals by Mod makers, comments?

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France wouldny win. "Think about it. The only war France ever won was the revolution. But that dosnt count becuase that was against them selves"- Person at school

Anyway. Its an ok idea.

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Just a rough idea, I can change the countries. But the main problem: I need and Addon maker, Sound editor, and a Cutscene maker. I would put a vacancy on OFPEC but soon i'll have a new computer.

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