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Port 2304???confused

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I have tested a 1.96 ded. server. It use default udp port 2302. When I use ofpwatch to observe that server it can display the number of the players, but their name list is not displayed.

I checked the server and find out it listen at udp port 2302 and 2304. Why is that, is it not the port 2303 for server reporting?

I tried to use a udp port NAT forwarding port 2303 to 2304. But it still not work. Can someone help me plz?

by the way, both client and server are in LAN. And use socks implementation.

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OFP listens on 4 udp port: 2302, 2303, 2304 and one random high port. 2302 is the server, 2303 is gamespy, 2304 and the other are undocumented.

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I've turned off IP Reporting, maybe that is the reason why the ded. server does not listen on port 2302?

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Yes, could be (if you meant 2303 wink_o.gif ). I will check that out too when the server is not in use.

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Yes, that is the reason, I enabled IP reporting and everything works fine now! biggrin_o.gif

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