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error on startup after mod installation

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I'm sorry: I made a wrong post; this should go to the "Lost Brothers Mod" thread...


The "Lost Brothers" mod looks terrific.

Unfortunately: I've got a strange bug: after the installation (carefully following the instructions), when I start OFP, this line appears in the top left-hand corner during the "wait" loading black screen:

'0.0 I#I. 1' : Error Unknown Operator

It disappears, then it comes up again then goes out again when the menu and the opening cinematic start.

And the second strange thing is: I've got NO sound at all !!!

I've already got the sound bug on other occasions... So it's not specific to this mod (It seems like it appears when I have too many things in my addon folder. I usually solve it by removing a few addons and the sound comes back.) but this kind of error line which may appear in the mission editor, it's the 1st time I get it as soon as the game starts...

(btw, when I open the mission editor, I can access the "lobo" addons without problems, but with no sound, no fun!)

i've tried to move the "lobo" addons to a dedicated mod folder and the same bug happens.

When I uninstall the "lobo" addons, the error message goes out and the sound comes back...

Any idea?

congratulations for the mod, anyway...


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