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Texture won't load.

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Okay, so I'm make a unit (soldier) and I get a paa file for his legs. So I select the face I want the texture to be on, and I press A to enter Texture mode. I right click and select "Load Texture" . I choose the texture from Z: drive that I want. Then, I simply drag a square around the face I want it to be on. I then press "B" to apply the texture. An error message comes up from o2 and reads "No texture loaded". And like it said, the texture didn't load, and isn't on the face. Not in Buldozer or o2. Please help...and thanks.

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texture must be in sizes like:

2x16,16x16,16x32,32x32,32x64,64x128,16x256,128x128,256x256,256x1024 etc....

any combination like that

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had the same problem, i just reinstalled bulldozer and then it worked again.

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