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Just a quick poll question. When a mission has technical options (Set time of day, set fog level, set rain level, set enemy skill level, etc.), do you prefer to set them through a dialog, the radio menu, or the action menu?

I ask because sometime I feel that dialogs are irritating when they start popping up at the start of a mission. But maybe that's just me tounge_o.gif .

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I prefer to set them up before the briefing in the slot selection screen.

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Quote[/b] ]I prefer to set them up before the briefing in the slot selection screen.

Oops, I should have been more specific tounge_o.gif . I was wondering about during SP missions.

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Radio menu, dialogs piss me off and I hate a cluttered action menu

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How about at the start several billboards over gates with the options listed and walkthru trigger activated.


From the Briefing selected with HTML



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Don't clutter my action menu mad_o.gif

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