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Ahh well, it\'s a great single player game

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This is definitely the greatest single player 3d 1st person shooter I've played. It has great AI, great graphics, lots of variety. I'm totally gutted about the multiplayer situation (not being able to join games in progress etc) and the fact that the developers won't be able to do much about the way it is now.

I don't think this game will die as quickly as people are suggesting as long as there are modders and people creating custom campaigns/missions/models etc. This game could definitely been a halflife/quake beater and I bet the developers are kicking themselves for not developing multiplayer as a more integral part of the game.

BIS may have missed the boat here as there are lots of multiplayer games in development or being released soon that will probably take over from halflife/quake style mods.

Oh well who knows maybe there will be OFP2 with mp.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jackson on 3:48 am on Oct. 29, 2001

Oh well who knows maybe there will be OFP2 with mp.

<span id='postcolor'>

With the lack of MP support and the refusal to even attempt mid-game join. I doubt many of these current players will purchase another BIS game. Perhaps I'm wrong.

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you arent wrong, those chezhcidcniahnsistanians are retarded they screwed BIS over they will have to rename their company so we dont know.

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That's fine, but they missed the boat on my $49

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I agree on the single player game, it rules. (but i really would like to see improvement in engine)

I do not believe that because of the MP problems that nobody would consider buying OFP2 (if it ever comes)

I would buy the sequel, no problem. I really believe they wouldn't make the same mistake twice in underestimating the importance of online gaming. They already show us good will by working on the code and releasing patches.

Have fate my friends biggrin.gif

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