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My Opf:R Trailer

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You can do the height by yourself in the editor.

Put this in the Box's Init:

this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select1);-35];

always use a negative integer to push an object deeper into the ground.  Change the -35 to a higher number to push the box lower.

As for width, sorry man, Oxygen does'nt come with a measuremant tool.  It's a European program, and they don't use the metric system.  But you can always position the camera to where you need it and get the same effect. (width does'nt really matter)

Anyway here is the updated downloads, Blue and Green, and they now glow.  YOu may notice at night they will be somewhat brighter, but don't worry, the program "should" still treat it as a greenscreen or bluescreen.

Green Screen updated to glow


Empty--->Objects---->Green blahh blahh whatever I wrote

Blue Screen with Glow


Empty--->Objects---->Blue blahh blahh whatever I wrote

I also noticed a problem with my Island, it appears when you scroll to the bottom left corner OFP crashes in the editor, so avoid that bottom left corner

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Hey specop, mind if I ask a question? What addon did you use for your Russian special forces shown in the movie? They looked like Spetnaz with different weapons and cammo.

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Quote[/b] ]It's a European program, and they don't use the metric system.

u probably meant DO USE? rock.gif

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These are the absolute most ideal settings for Green Screening and Blue Screening. These are the two colors programs are made for, so if you're able to match those perfectly, you're going to be able to cut things off a screen perfectly.

Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects will both green screen and blue screen. For what you're doing, after effects won't be needed. Stick with premiere until you find a limitation that after effects would take care of.



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I looked at the addon. Looks pretty neat. However, it says that Resistance v. 1.91 is required. I only have version 1.85 of Flashpoint. Will this make the addon not work? Forgive me, I'm new to this!

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You need Resistance to run those addons.

If you have resistance, you will need the patch 1.96

GOTY upgrade (1.96)


Resistance upgrade (1.96)


Resistance and GOTY upgrade (1.91 to 1.96)


Download whichever you have. (Not all 3)

Thanks for those images too!

I'll update the addons once again to get the full Green screen and Blue screen effect Aced

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Very cool trailer, Frenchie posted it on the RvB forum not too long ago. Very cinematic however kinda loses touch with the OFP world in my opinion.

Slight thread jack here as well if anybody would be so kind as to answer. After installing a bacth of addons sometimes my game wont start until I delete some. Is this because of a faulty addon or is there a limit?

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Placebo is breathing down my neck with offtopic posts..but if you really need to know, yes, it's because you have too many addons installed.

use mod folders. (Create a folder in OFP called MONKEYSNIFF) or something, and then create a shortcut to the Flashpoint EXE, and then go to properties, and then add this to the end of the exe

C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe" -mod=MONKEYSNIFF

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<offtopic>monkeysniff also requires a subdirectory called Addons</offtopic>

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I am working on the web site for the project, tell me what you think of it (it has a Flash intro...takes a while to load)

I'll add a loading monitor on it later on,


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Nice flash movie there (i see some screens from ofpcp are used)  wink_o.gif  smile_o.gif

One question,  What is the ball thing at the beginning ?  tounge_o.gif

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Nice flash movie there (i see some screens from ofpcp are used)  wink_o.gif  smile_o.gif

One question,  What is the ball thing at the beginning ?  tounge_o.gif

Good question, lol

I'm thinking about making that the "Symbol" of the team..a wierd....Zorb/Orb thing tounge_o.gif

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