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Create movement on objects placed in wrp files

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I've got a pack with some windmills (Farmland objects) and they only work in the mission editor. They were made as tanks and i use the radar movement to create animation. Is it possible to add anything to the island config or a script, so they work?

Version 1.10 of this addon can be downloaded from ofp.info

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mig just a idea but this can be done by making a init.sqs or a script run from the island config and just camcreat the windmills useing setpos [ref,ref,ref].

ill go do an exsample for you now ok buddy ill use desert island

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ok i have it done its just quick but it works fine have tested with your windmill as well i have done this with lots of other stuff in the past an way hear it is

init.sqs (or other script you name)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;place items with animations on a map

;by wizzywig

;place all items on map only ones with animations

;then you should get somthing like this









;now to get the corinates you need its simple just remove the middel array

;E.G. = position[]={9879.639648,26.730000,4075.039551} = position[]={9879.639648,4075.039551};

;now add ,0 after last array E.G. = position[]={9879.639648,4075.039551,0};

;last thing to do is remove the position[]={ with _name [9879.639648,4075.039551,0]

;in the end you will have "_ame [9879.639648,4075.039551,0]"

_cord = [9569.240234,4254.239746,0]

_cord1 = [10698.842773,4276.639160,0]

_craft = "windmill1" createVehicle _cord

_craft1 = "windmill1" createVehicle _cord1

;then to turn do

_craft setdir 60

_craft1 setdir 90

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Hi wizzywig,

i have got the same problem as Mig2003, just for couple more buildings:

the new colorchanger Bunkers, the Farmland objects, dkm windmill and the mapfact radar tower.

do they all work the same???

i am really a noob a configs, more into scripts and not used to the config commands. So i appreciate your help.

Thx in advance.


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ok all is explaned in the script just please the init.sqs in the mission dir on desert and you will see the results look on top of the mounds on the desert island

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Wouldn't it be easier just to get the object id number and then exec the animation script using the init.sqs or just a logic?

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I've got a pack with some windmills (Farmland objects) and they only work in the mission editor. They were made as tanks and i use the radar movement to create animation. Is it possible to add anything to the island config or a script, so they work?

If I get your post right, you want to know if there is anything like an init eventhandler for islands?

Imho there's no such thing, which is very sad.

Therefore you have to put it into every mission, via init.sqs or special object, which has to be placed in editor, and runs an init eventhandler or executes some scripts in it's init line.

You could think about an "InitWindmills" object, which has to be placed to make windmills work wink_o.gif

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this is what i am on about with my script it auto places the building with all animations working on the island were you wont them

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Wizzy, if you are placing the object through the mission file then there is no need for any init.sqs work, since an init eventhandler on the object itself would take care of it. He is asking about objects placed through the .wrp file.

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Thanks Wizzywig, I'll try your script as soon as i get home Friday night wink_o.gif

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Wizzy, if you are placing the object through the mission file then there is no need for any init.sqs work, since an init eventhandler on the object itself would take care of it. He is asking about objects placed through the .wrp file.

as i know now your not a wrp editor person as you would know that wrp editor dose not use the config of the addon model to my knowledge any way my way eliminates the need to reconfig every model on the map in the maps config and only 1 single line of code is needed to run the farmland objects script and it works in mp as well so please stop with the criticism as im only trying to help a buddy out you know


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lol...I've been using it since it came out. My point was, all you are doing is adding an object through the mission, then animating it....that's quite a different thing to getting an object which is placed through the wrp file to be animated in an "init eventhandler" style. I'm not trying to put you down, just trying to make you see that your answers didn't actually address the original problem. smile_o.gif

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ok guessing your not reading what i have put

ok ill try again the way i have put stops people form having to do the long way of doing things E.G put all data again in the config of the island instead it allows talented island creators to be able to have all there work animated with out the need for doing any more config work.

any way lets not get on to this at it will end up in use both flaming each other and we both know that's not allowed on this board

also maybe you helping instead of doing that old hated trick of saying some one is incorrect but not giving a solution to the problem at hand please by all means help MIG out but please don't keep saying my way is not what he asked for as it is it placed his windmill on the map and its animated perfectly.

Wizzywig out

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Wouldn't it be easier just to get the object id number and then exec the animation script using the init.sqs or just a logic?

I did give a possible solution. I just don't know the syntax of scripting well enough to write it.

What I am saying is the scripts you are talking about are creating the object then animating it. I am talking about animating an object which is already in the wrp file, as per the original question.

Like you said, try it on Desert Isalnd....works just fine. But there aren't any windmills on the Desert Island. They have to be created through the init of a mission.

Read Dschulle's post to get a clearer idea of what I'm talking about. smile_o.gif

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so we are both right but you need to be more giving so taht it helps him and dont confuzzzzz the hell out of the poor man any way hope you get it workign mig useing my way or Dschulle's way but i think mine would be less cpu hugging but any way you can find this out for your self good luck buddy


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Ah good...you got it. smile_o.gif

Well other people have done tests that prove placing objects in the wrp file = WAAY less lag than through the mission editor. But then they are of course fixed, and have the problems as discussed before.

My personal opinion is to make islands with enough detail to be convincing, but open enough for mission makers to add their own touches. A tricky balance. wink_o.gif

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Hi friends, just getting home finnaly.

Quote[/b] ]Hi wizzywig,

i have got the same problem as Mig2003, just for couple more buildings:

the new colorchanger Bunkers, the Farmland objects, dkm windmill and the mapfact radar tower.

do they all work the same???

i am really a noob a configs, more into scripts and not used to the config commands. So i appreciate your help.

Thx in advance.


Mapfact air tower works very fine with the inside script. The player just need to type in a trigger [(object 020069)] exec "\JOF_Objects1\Radar.sqs" and air towers edited in wrpfiles are animated. The object number is the id smile_o.gif

Dschulle and Leone: I agree with you folks and when i post this request i was thinking in a similar solution using ID number and a script like Mapfact did. Unfortunately i don't understand nothing about scripting. Let's see the solution Wizzywig has found.

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No need of thinking in the prob anymore folks tounge_o.gif . Fixed with the help of JörgF from mapfact. Thanks to everybody !

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Hi all,

1st. Thx for all your help, i really appreciate it.

Still my problem isnt solved though. What i am thinking of having a windpark on my island that has like 20 of the dkm windmills.

Now the Colorchanger Hangar wont work either.

I tried placing them from the config of the island but that didnt help. So any further input would be cool.

@Leone: is it a problem with the config of the addon i am trying to use cause for example the door anims for the colonel clinks hangar just work fine?rock.gif

I got no clue. since i am not into configs that much.

Thx in advance.


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No idea....I haven't got that addon smile_o.gif

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