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Red dawn changed?

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has the second last mission Red Dawn changed in Resistance/GOTY edition?

eg. is it still possible to destroy the scud(after arresting guba) by travelling by land vehicles to the scud instead of using the Hind chopper?

i sense that you only have enough time to take out the scud launcher with the chopper in Resistance/GOTY edition. In the good old original (version 1.00 i think) you could take your squad by M113 to the scud site and blow it up.

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Havent played that far in GOTY yet but you can't fly home in the HIND in at escape mission.


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oh and also, i always set up an ambush at the ruins, outside of guba's base. the UAZ comes along, i sick the spetz natz, and have the conversation with guba. during the conversation, the T-80 comes along and blows me to smithereens! mad_o.gif

in ver1.00, my carl gustav and LAW dudes would blow up the T-80 during the clip but it doesnt happen anymore!

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Well here's a solution, wait for the t80 to show, kill it, then get Guba wink_o.gif

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Im doing this mission now again. It seems that Guba doesn't ever come in the jeep anymore. I'll keep trying it, but I have done it three times, killed the second scud twice with stolen T80, and still never could find Guba so I had to restart.

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Just put your team in the M113. Haul ass to the base with the Hind. Drive over/shoot the remaining soldiers there. Order your men into the Hind while you fetch the fuel truck. Fly to Guba's mansion. Kill the T-80 on the way there (and the Shilka west of the mansion). Enable manual fire and give Guba's UAZ a short burst. That will disable it and everyone aboard will disembark. Kill the spetznaz with the chaingun. Land and take Guba into custody. Fly north-east and destroy that scud.

Guba's UAZ is always right outside the wooden fence/base ~300 meters east of his mansion when I get there.

I never use my personal weapon(s) on this mission and neither does my men. Just the M113 at the start and the rest with the Hind. Probably the second easiest mission in the whole campaign when done this way. The easiest being the obstacle-course and firing range (very first mission) tounge2.gif

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