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Is their a jump script?

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Hey I’m in the process of making a mission for the SST mod and I was wondering if anyone has made a script that would send a unit about 75-80 meters in the air and about 100 meters forward? I’ve seen something like that in the BOH mechs but I’m wondering if such a script even possible for infantry?


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Spartan, try this:


jup = 1

jdn = 1

_ux = 0

_xdir = getdir player

_xsin = sin (_xdir) *100

_xcos = cos (_xdir) *100

_xposX = (getpos player select 0)

_xposY = (getpos player select 1)

_xposz = (getpos player select 2)

_xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin)

_xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos)


player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz + 75]

jup = jup + 1

_dx = _dx + 1


? (_dx < 75): goto "loop1"

_xdir = getdir player

_xsin = sin (_xdir)

_xcos = cos (_xdir)

_xposX = (getpos player select 0)

_xposY = (getpos player select 1)

_xposz = (getpos player select 2)

_xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin)

_xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos)


player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz - jdn]

jdn = jdn + 1

_ux = _ux + 1


? (_ux < 74): goto "loop2"


pj = player addaction ["Jump","jump.sqs"]

In player's init: [] exec "addjump.sqs"

Tested and works. Hope it helps, ken

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After the 3rd or 4th jump, you get pretty beat up, so here is a script I use (by Gummi) for damage control.

;script by Gummi (Miller)

; ofpgummi@yahoo.com

; to use: [A, B] exec "autofix.sqs"

; A = Vehicle name

; B = Time until repair in seconds

; Example: [car1, 5] exec "autofix.sqs"

_vehic = _this select 0

_wait = _this select 1


? (GetDammage _vehic >0.01) : goto "fix"

goto "check"



_vehic setdammage 0

goto "check"

In my init: [me,0.01] exec "autofix.sqs";

Thanks Gummi smile_o.gif

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Spartan, you're welcome.

I've been messing with my jump script and now you fall a wee little bit slower and damage is a LOT less. Give it a try smile_o.gif, Ken


jup = 1

jdn = 5

_ux = 0

_xdir = getdir player

_xsin = sin (_xdir) * 100

_xcos = cos (_xdir) * 100

_xposX = (getpos player select 0)

_xposY = (getpos player select 1)

_xposz = (getpos player select 2)

_xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin)

_xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos)


player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz + 75]

jup = jup + 1

_dx = _dx + 1


? (_dx < 75): goto "loop1"

_xdir = getdir player

_xsin = sin (_xdir)

_xcos = cos (_xdir)

_xposX = (getpos player select 0)

_xposY = (getpos player select 1)

_xposz = (getpos player select 2)

_xXpos = (_xposX)+(_xsin)

_xYpos = (_xposY)+(_xcos)


player setpos [_xXpos,_xYpos,_xposz - jdn]

jdn = jdn + 5

_ux = _ux + 5


? (_ux < 70): goto "loop2"

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