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Training mission with hostiles would be nice!

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Phew, I've just tried this "steal the jeep" single misson, for fun.

But I tried and tried and tried... bullshit, I got no field glass... with a sniper rifle this mission would be easy, but with the M16 it's a hard life... and still I have troubles with acoustic locating shots and with the defilade of the enemy... crazy_o.gif

Hm, very realistic... but I think, it is harder than in real life, because between my eyes and ears and the "real world" there is a monitor with a resolution and a headphone without spatialisation... rock.gif

This might be funny for pros of OFP, but unfortunately I'm a noob (again sad_o.gif ... like in old counterstrike times)

In the campaign my progress is OK, I'm learning.

(I first startet with Resistance, which is -my opinion- nothing for a beginner - now I startet with Cold War Crisis and that's OK... got some enemies already ;) )

But some training missions with fightmodes similar to paintball or battlefield training with blank cartrigdes and training referees, like in the real army training, would be nice.

Or does there exist a commandline switch or sthg?

How can I get better, when I always die and seldom see or even find the enemy, which is shooting at me?

Bang- bang- headshot...

I want to learn, but I need hints and tips or some way to train...

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The ROC Mod did something like this in their TW2002 (?)campaign. Basically, they made a rifle that did no damage.

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What's ROC Mod??

Can I train in OFP without installing a mod? Mods often make games instable - learnt this in Battlefield1942 with Desert Combat or Eve of Destruction... rock.gif

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The ROC mod is the Republic of China (Taiwan) mod. OFP mods have never caused instability in my experience. Just put all the addons in the addon folder, the missions in the mission folder and the campaigns in the campaign folder. Check OFP.info for the ROC mod. Otherwise, I don't know of any training missions like you seem to want. Well, there was a sniper training mission years ago that was very good, but I don't recall the name of it.

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There's a new version of the ROC mod (v3.0?) being released in the near future (or atleast they said it would be) with improvements to the units/missions. It might be worth the wait smile_o.gif

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Do ya have a link to ROC?

I've searched Google a lot, but didn't really find it, until one very nice designed Taiwanian homepage, which is in national Chinese speech. crazy_o.gif don't understand chinese  tounge_o.gif

I also searched OFP.info, but found any other Mod except ROC.

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