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nordin dk

An idea and a question for developers.

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Here's a suggestion:

Foxholes....this would add to the realism of the game, giving you stronger protection when holding a strategic position. The fortresses are not at all satisfying in this game. Or maybe it's just because I'm a complete idiot at using them. They seem to offer no advantages...if you want to fire from them anyway.

And here's the question: Why is rank not showing on uniforms in OFP?  If team-tags can be implemented, rank shouldn't cause too much of a problem. It's d*amn hard to identify your co, unless he happens to be wearing a silly hat. Getting a message like "Follow 1" leaves you at a loss when playing in veteran mode.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bloodshot on 3:26 am on Nov. 23, 2001

Yummy! Sniper Heaven!

<span id='postcolor'>

I miss DF2's tall grass.

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An important aspect of this is that the possible addition of artillery would be balanced out, if there is a chance of hiding in a hole untill the bombardement is over.

It wouldn't provide 100% cover, but enough to avoid the complete wipeout of a whole platoon due to artillery fire.

So to all BIS folks!! If you are considering the addition of artillery to OFP, please bear in mind that adding foxholes and trenches would balance it.

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The problem with foxholes and trenches is that everything had to be placed above ground since the ground itself cannot be altered or removed.

I imagine something like a model of hill with a foxhole or trench section in it, which is then placed like a normal object on the map.

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