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Multiplayer freezes?

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Whenever I am in the Operation Flashpoint Resistance multiplayer menu, a few annoying things can happen. Wheneve I try to change how I look for servers (i.e. DirectPlay, Socket), it freezes. Another time it freezes is when I try to get out of multiplayer, when the laptop closes the game freezes. Lastly, If I DO manage to get into a multiplayer game, when I leave it, the game freezes!

If anyone knows anything I can do to fix this, Please help!

Thanks in advance


Thought you may need to know this...

I am using GOTY OFP, and have version 1.96 (I could not find A GOTY update for 1.96, do I used the standard)

2.0 ghz p4

512 mb RAM

64meg GForce 2

Windows XP

This problem did not happen with OFP, just Resistance, also, the text in the menus of resistance is blurry, they look like low resolution images.

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For the blurry text, go to display properties ,advanced and find direct3d stuff and set to high quality or mid

The network locking could be a few things,I would check for firewall software

and set your network adapter to a speed rather than autodetect may help

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I have tried fixing the text like that a while back, it fixed the in-game text but not the menu text.

As for the 2nd part I will try that ASAP.


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