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mr blonde

im soooo stuck.......

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i need some help,on the campaign game,the mission where you play a pilot for the first time,you have ejected and have been captured....well....how do you escape?...i run out the tent,turn right through arch,get the ak47,run over the road and lie down in the bushs,shoot a few people....then what? i stay there for ages but as soon as i move BANG im dead,even if i cant see anyone around!....oh...and i still cant see the stars i need to navigate by.....but i should be heading south right?

thanks for any help

mr blonde

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I found the easiest way to escape was to just leg it to the nearby Mi-24 and then use it's compass to navigate, forget the stars.

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Yeah, snatch the Hind immediately after you have landed, don't wait for the nightfall. Run to the Hind and climb in, it takes time for the ruskies to take their weapons from their backs so you should do fine if you manage to hit the right spot where you can climb in.

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