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Arma Reforger Needs scoreboard NOW

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I come here to discuss and ask the developers to add in a scoreboard system / or a way to view your match stats.  I've played so many 10h games and 5 h games without knowing how well I did because you can only see your stats at the end of the game.

I hate when the game either crashes and you loose all the progress or the game just goes on too long so you wont see your score. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED now.


Why there can not be a score board or example each time you leave the server you would see your stats in screen like at the end of the match. I've had to set up screen recording on and then AFK for hours just to be able to see how well I did. I think its pretty absurd when the game has such a long matches and no way to know whats your skill level.


Please add score board system or stat display to save player sanity in next update.


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Great suggestion and I agree.  As a new player I've been trying to figure out how tf you're supposed to see your k/d ratio but this confirms you can only do it at the end of a match. 


hopefully someone from Bohemia sees this in the sea of spam Temu coupons being posted in this forum.  When I say someone from Bohemia I mean someone that at least has the ability and credentials to moderate their own forum, not the secretary.

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