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Baracken script

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Hey guys i have designed a script for placing fences from the baracken base pack. Dont you find placing the of fences is rather tire some? Well this early script should sort the problem.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_max = _this select 0

_marker = _this select 1

_fence = _this select 2

_pos = markerpos _marker

_i = 0


_i = _i + 1

_fen = _fence camcreate [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1)+6,1]

_fen setdir 90

_pos = getpos _fen

?(_max < _i): goto "next1"

_i2 = 3

goto "loop"


_i = 0

_i2 = 3


_i = _i + 1

_fen = _fence camcreate [(_pos select 0)+6 - _i2,(_pos select 1)+_i2,1]

_fen setdir 180

_pos = getpos _fen

?(_i == 1): _i2 = 0

?(_max < _i): goto "next2"

goto "loop2"


_i = 0

_i2 = 3


_i = _i + 1

_fen = _fence camcreate [(_pos select 0) + _i2,(_pos select 1)-6 + _i2,1]

_fen setdir 270

_pos = getpos _fen

?(_i == 1): _i2 = 0

?(_max < _i):goto "next3"

goto "loop3"


_i = 0

_i2 = 3

_max2 = _max - 1

_i3 = 0


_i = _i + 1

_fen = _fence camcreate [(_pos select 0) - 6 + _i2 - _i3,(_pos select 1) - _i2,1]

_fen setdir 360

_pos = getpos _fen

?(_i == 10 ): _i3 = 6

?(_i == 11 ): _i3 = 0

?(_i == 1): _i2 = 0

?(_max2 < _i):exit

goto "loop4"

To use this script you need to enter [num,"markername","fencename"] exec "namescript.sqs"

num = number of fence pieces you want per side

markername = name of marker you have placed on map for the base

fence name = maybe any of the following "Zaun1", "Zaun2",  "Zaun3" , " Zaun4", "Zaun5", "Zaun6"

comments are welcome for improvements

edit So far i have only place one entrance and it appears to the south of the fence always, also i have not built this to work in diagonals yet maybe in the future.

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Has any one tried it. Id like feedback so i can add features for you to use.

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This is really handy, easy way to get a perfectly aligned fence smile_o.gif Nice job.

Unfortunately you don't see them in the editor so adding the rest of the camp isn't as easy as it is when you place the fence the original way.

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I was working on a version to build the buildings inside the fences but the animation took a while to initilise i may try again after tomorrow.

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