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Config: "" encountered instead of ',' ...err, huh?

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Greetings ladies\gents biggrin_o.gif. I have now for the first time in my life decided to enter the dangerous world of addon editing wow_o.gifghostface.gif

So far I've only done some minor modification of the International soldier addOn by Matthjis, I.e reskinned it

and did some very small modifications to the model. And as a miracle sent from the heavens, IT ACTUALLY WORKED...

...errm... untill I went and modified the config.cpp that is crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

Now I get <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>config: "" encountered instead of ','</span>, whenever I try to run OFP with my addon activated sad_o.gif.

So if you think you can help me on this please read the config file provided below:

(note: I might have screwed up the config even further when I tried to repear the damage tounge_o.gif)


config file uploaded to my site(under construction)

Bizons OFP Bunker

*wonders why I didn't do that erlier instead of messin up the thread with a entire .cpp file*rock.gifwink_o.gif


To add to that major F**k-UP, I also get loads of bugs when trying to binarize my addOns, e.g. .paa textures that's suppose to be transparent turn up with a solid white background color instead.

And also when using JAM weapons and equipping a gun, the primary weapon and rocketlauncher-proxies are way to far from the soldier body, I guess the third prob. is a bug in the game itself or JAM because it affected bis-units too, but still... It's very annoying mad_o.gif.

blues.gif If anyone manages to help me with this I'd be wery grateful smile_o.gif

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smile_o.gif Ok first, thanks a lot Rastavovich biggrin_o.gif, I can't even begin to imagine how you managed to find that error wow_o.gif.

(Love all the hard work you and the rest of the DKM team have done for the OFP-community)

But sadly I have to report it wasn't the only error in the code sad_o.gif, err... where to start... well first I got an error about the Eventhandler section that looked like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers {

Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\BIZ_Mercs\scripts\init.sqs"";";


fired = " if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}}";



I then removed the Jam eventhandler...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers {

Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\BIZ_Mercs\scripts\init.sqs"";";


restuffed everything to PBO and got it running,

then I got an mesage at the main menu statin something like: can't locate \config\JAM_Mortar.p3d/ ...sumthing like that (must be the mortar soldier I thought n' later I removed the mortars from his inventory), then i cklicked ok and proceded to the editor, I placed some of my mercenaries on the map and pressed preview. Then I got the "modelSpecial" error mesage. I thought to myself that its probably an quotationmark(") too many in the weapons or ammo sections in the config, so I opened up the config removed the mortars from the mortarsoldier while I was at it and edited a few other things (shamefully I must say that I don't remember exactly what I edited). Then I restuffed everything in an pbo and rebooted OFP... and what do I get... a CTD (Crash To Desktop) That's what I get crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

I have updated the newly edited config in the first post... please help sad_o.gifblues.gif

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Well, the exact error message might be usefull.

Ctd are often caused by wrong path references.

(you config becomes more and more unreadable, maybe you should upload it somewhere so I can look at it without all lines starting at the left border)

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It is allways helpfull if you can limit the possible causes.

So could you try to find out which unit causes the ctd (you do so by only placing one by one and test untill it crashes).

modelspecial is an entry in the config. This error occurs, if someone defined his weapon over a basic class and didn't give the modelspecial a new value (so most likely it is a bug in one of the weapons you use).

If you want the Jam eh back in, your code should look like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers


      Init="[_this select 0] exec {\BIZ_Mercs\scripts\init.sqs}";

      fired = "if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or ((_this select 4) in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}}";


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I've made some discoveries, its the RPD-soldier (MachineGunner) thats causing the CTD, maby others too but haven't loked any further. The reason may be that the RPD as It's called in the JAM_Reference, don't exist in the JAM.PBO itself, but was only a reference to a possible weapon\ammo compability... I think (btw shouldn't it be RPK rock.gif ). I got loads of other errors, like: can't load picture \KMMint\hlm_front.pac (and the wierd thing is that it don't exist in the config, and all texturepaths in both the config AND the .P3D file have been changed to \BIZ_Mercs\...), and also the first person view is without any textures now all of a sudden. I'm thinking of doing everything from scratch...

Well, I'm very tiered right now, and must get some sleep, but I'll do as you have sugested and investigate deeper into what could be causing all this shit. I'll report back to you later this week... See Ya smile_o.gif  blues.gif


Oh and thanks a million for the correct code for the JAM eventHandler smile_o.gif

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Sounds to me as if you have an pld biz_merc.pbo in another addonfolder which overwrites your settings and searches for old textures.

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No... I wish that had been the problem, but that's a negative (unfortunetly... searched the addons & mod-folders 3 times). Is it posible that I've corrupted the p3d file too somehow, just wondering because I did modify the model alitle, to be spesific: added radio-mic and radio from the combat swimmer (also made by matthjis) plus a couple of, er... what ya call it?! earpice? from the original west tankers helmet. All I wanted to do was to change the weapon loadouts of the soldiers to use jam_mags & weapons, and give them some pistols, nvGoggles, perhaps some binoculars to the officers and define a officer and sniper class, because they aren't already defined sad_o.gif

...and to brighten my day even further *drumroll* <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>TA-DAAA</span> .....a nee<span style='font-size:9.5pt;line-height:100%'>ee</span>w errormessage:

'biz_mercs\config.cpp/BIZ_MercGB.Biz_Mercs_WOUNDS': 'c' encountered instead of '=' crazy_o.gif

Yes I know... that means that I've screwed something up in the WOUNDS section of the config... but what?

well I can safely say that I'm definetly not cut out for modding wink_o.gif

But I'm not throwing the frikkin' towel in yet I WILL prevail tounge_o.gif

...have to read some more tutorials n unPbo more addOns to watch how others do it... *sigh*

...later smile_o.gif

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Well, maybe the "#define Biz_Mercs_WOUNDS ..." is an invalid definition. Not sure about that.

But I am pretty sure you don't need that definition at all, since you define all your soldiers over the BIZ_MercGB. So you could simply place the wound[] = ...; into class BIZ_MercGB.

That should fix that error.

I still dunno what happened to the texture pathes.. But I assume it is in the model itself, doesn't seem to be a config error.

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