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Revive respawn by doo little

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You will need to give each of your players a name, like S1, S2, etc. You need to make a trigger for each that will run the script when they are detected as not alive. Call the script by passign the STRING of their name. If they are S1 then you do "S1" exec "respawn.sqs". You need to add the variables respawnS1, respawnS2, etc. to your init.sqs. Also make a marker for each soldier and call each marker S1, S2, etc. Good luck!

ok so is this what i do name my guys s_1 - s_10 then make triggers form s_1-s_10 and put "S1" exec "respawn.sqs" for each one in the on activation for each guy then markers from s_1 - s_10 and place em where i want them to spawn?

if nott ell me plz

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then markers from s_1 - s_10 and place em where i want them to spawn?

For doolittles revive respawn script, once a player dies he has to wait for another unit to come revive him and he will just come back to life where he dies, do you want that or do you just want units to respawn at a certain spot a few seconds after they die?

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Oh, whoops.. thought i already posted the answer...

Make a description.ext file and just put 2 lines in it<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">respawn=2;

respawndelay=5; and put it in your OperationFlashpoint\users\(yourname)\missions\(missionname) folder, and when you test in multiplayer, you and any "playable" soldiers will spawn after 5 seconds right after they die, right where they died... If you want them to respawn only at a certain point after they die, change it to respawn=3 instead of 2, then put a marker called "respawn_west" or "respawn_east" where you want them to spawn, and remember, this kindof spawning only happens to soldiers that are set as 'playable' and only in MP...

If you want to use doolittles revive respawn script for AI in SP, then open up your mission, hit the "MERGE" button, select doolittles demo mission on desert island and hit ok, then delete all the players that came along with the demo mission but not the triggers, after thats done put the respawn.sqs, cam.sqs, description.ext, but NOT the mission.sqm in your users\(yourname)\missions\(missionname) folder... name the units you want to be able to be revived S1, S2, S3, S4, up to S10... and voila it should work, but remember players cant be revived in SP.

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