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Customizing weapons

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hey every1, I recently got back into the mission editing feature of flashpoint. I don't have the resistance addon pack yet, but I do have OFP Gold Edition running version 1.46. I'm stuck right now trying to find out what are the ammo codes for the following weapons -

MM1 (AddWeapon MM1) need 2 know - AddMagazine???

SteyrAug (AddWeapon Steyr) need 2 know - AddMagazine???

G36 (AddWeapon G36) need 2 know - AddMagazine???

Bizon (AddWeapon Bizon) need 2 know - AddMagazine???

There are a few more weapons I'm forgetting to add on to this list right now, but basically I guess I'm just looking for all the codes for the ammo & weapons that were added on when I installed the Red Hammer missions. If anybody could fill in those question marks for me that would be great. Over and out.


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Thanx m21man, I did a lil more searching & came across a nice detailed list made by Mjr. Fubar.  Thanx 4 the help.  This site rox.

I WANT RESISTANCE!   wink_o.gif

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