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Suddenly back to desktop ???

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Well....that's my problem....

but I found out that one other game (Deus EX) also crashes, but this one shows an error message...

But all other games run fine...

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Yep, this problem has plaqued me for months... still never found a solution.  Even emailed BIS and all they said was get 1.94 and use -nomap which I already had. crazy_o.gif

Im guessing most of us that are having this problem have a VIA chipset too... I got one, and have the latest hyperion 4in1 drivers.

Havent tried disabling W-buffer however...

EDIT - It was already disabled and I dont have option to enable it. crazy_o.gif

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I don't think your power supply is the problem.

My OFP on ocassion does this (so doesnt Bf1942)

I have a Geforce ti 4200 now,but it did it with my fx5600 and a Geforce2 pro (not very often from what i remember with that one)

I think its video memory,more system ram and more video card ram allows more graphics to load and things overflow.

It seems lowering AGP aperature helps,as it doesnt allow so much graphics to load.I see you said you tried 64mb agp aperature,thats what mine is at and it still does it (If I can get OFP installed again!!)

I don't recall it doing it when I used lower figures (32 agp aperature)

But it also can be an addon causing it

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Everyone with CTD problems should try to:

-Lower your AGP aperture size (bios) to 128 or 64.


-Check how much ram OFP is allowed to use!


If you have 1GB, set it to 768MB, if you have 512, set it to ~384.

For me, it looks like when too much ram is "reserved" for AGP and OFP it crashes more often.

Don´t know if this helps, but give it a try.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Does that preferences only apply to "full" patches? i.e. not the beta patches? My Texture heap and File Heap were set a 16MB and the Geometry performance was quite low compared to that on your screenshot.

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Does that preferences only apply to "full" patches? i.e. not the beta patches?

There should be no difference in these settings, whether running OFP 1.75, 1.85, 1.91 or 1.9x beta.

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Seems I got it fixed...

I just installed a new Power supply (550W) and it runs fine....I also reinstalled Windows and didn't install any updates (not even SP1) and now it works !!!! Been playing for 2 hours now.....yeeehaaww!!!!!

Still don't know if it was the power supply or the windows....

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same with me:

Event Type: Error

Event Source:

Event Category: None

Event ID: 0

Date: 30.1.2004

Time: 2:40:15

User: N/A



The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: 7.

system specs:

XP - SP1

Athlon XP 1900+ 1.6ghz

768 ram

NVIDIA GeForce Ti4200 128mb - driver: 52.16


SBLive! Audio - driver: ctaud2k.sys 5.12.0252

OFP resistance 1.96 Beta

I have -nomap in the shortcut

Any help anyone?




[email protected]

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I'm not sure but I suspect some of the Windows XP hotfixes or updates. My WinXP is now running without any patch and everything concerning flashpoint is fine. I can also play "Deus Ex" again.

Probably it's DirectX 9, but I can't test that because you cannot uninstall DirectX9 (only with a new windows....)

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