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Animation tuts? for ofpanim_v0.98

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Well I want to make custom animations but of course I never knew how at first mad_o.gif . So I need help on how to use OFPAnim_v0.98. If some1 knows about tutorials for that particular program.

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No tuts at the moment..

Ofpanim readme help to start.

And the rest learning by doing


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Yeh, sorry Kamikazy, there are no tutes...thought it's pretty easy to learn  smile_o.gif .

All it takes is some practice.


[EDIT: Although, if you need any help just feel free to ask, and I'm sure that someone'll know the answer to your question.]

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I was working on a Tutorial but do Health problems it is un hold.

But now the holiday's are over I'm back to it.

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Is it possible to reposition the rpg proxy ie move it up or down or is it always on the shoulder

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yes it is but a tip:

Dont try to move the proxy's try some thing with uhm...

It starts with a R and it ends with: oura



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If you speak english, it's good to get a translation file....it'll make life a LOT easier on you...

Don't forget to load the linking and pivot points. Plus, don't try to change them around either...it screwed up OFP for me three times.


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Well the english translation file worked great. Now I understand what it takes to do anim. It is a labor intensive job to make a good one. I also understand that there is alot more that could be done, ie like firing a panzerfaust from under your arm instead of on the shoulder. One question I do have is how do you set the time increments between frames. Im still not sure what model offset and total move do.

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