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Dynamic Campaign/Realism

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Are there any plans to develop a dynamic campaign that would evolve around the player(s) and AI actions(like Falcon 4.0) with random events that affect the war? At present the sim suffers from lack of immersion in the campaign realm. In addition to this the scripted single/multiplayer missions get quite redundant. We desperately need to have the war happening around us(e.g., random firefights, missions generated to halt enemy troop progression, etc.). At present, in multiplayer we just jump around from mission to mission with no sense of accomplishment. This would really benifit the hardcore warsimmers on the market.

Also, any plans to allow more controllability/provide more realism for chopper and aircrafts? This sim really has outstanding potential. Aside from these issues it is a rock solid sim. Great work guys!

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a dynamic campaign would be absolutly awesome....someday it will happen, someday. smile.gif

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It sure would be cool. I don't think any of the mapmakers are up to that yet. Game isn't stable enough for it quite yet either (how many MP games have crashed on you? If you are playing an hours-long mission you don't want to see any crashes...) Wait for it though...maybe someday you will get your island-wide mission smile.gif

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Actually, I have not experienced any crashes in multiplayer. Multiplayer seems pretty stable via Gamespy network. I have not tried direct IP connects

at this time. Would love to hear from a developer on the dynamic campaign issue though.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from TheSilkMan on 1:45 am on Dec. 3, 2001

Actually, I have not experienced any crashes in multiplayer.  Multiplayer seems pretty stable via Gamespy network. I have not tried direct IP connects

at this time. Would love to hear from a developer on the dynamic campaign issue though.<span id='postcolor'>

Well, we play mostly non-dedicated co-op games, maybe that is the difference. It seems like it just might be possible to have very long campaign-like missions with the current tools, but I don't think anyone is good enough to really know yet...

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