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I got you boba (careing him to a hot lz)

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Just woundering if there are any scripts or animations to care a man in ofp? I seen a topic posted in ofp2 ideas but am woundering if any one knows about it in the 1st ofp just thought it would be fun to carey you wounded freind out of a hot fire fight calling an air strike and careing him to a hot LZ and takeing down the bad guyz on the way smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

and this would be cool along with the wounded animtaions that i seen just come out biggrin_o.gif

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if you mean "carry" i suppose it is possible, you might have to make new anims for the people carrying the stretcher though. You would have to make it in a vehicle class also and only make it work if you have two people "in" the stretcher

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