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Better collision detection

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I did a quick search and came up with nothing substantial on this one, plus this also seems like a nice section of the forum where all the 'thinking' members hang around so I'm more happy to post here than elsewhere. If you cast your mind back I think most of us would agree that the most impressive thing about the original was the versatility available with regards to gameplay. Another way to say this would be simply that it was so close to real life that it only missed by a whisker what some of us hardened long term lifer gamers have been fantasising about for years. The ability to get in any vehicle, go anywhere, leave the action or head back into it, and the incredible AI involved meant that for the first time ever the user/player really was immersed in a seperate living breathing world to that which we live in for real. As a gamer from a child Operation Flashpoint was the closest thing to sim reality I have ever seen. The one thing that is missing the most is more personal intereactions. As you probably know I can bullshit so I'll get straight to the point. Imagine being able to move around OFP's world with all the grace and close quarter interaction that you can in say Hitman or Deus Ex. This way we could program missions that could see you being part of a major military maneuver one moment, and then completing an intelligence gathering mission by over-hearing a conversation in a resturaunt at the right time the next!!! You see what I mean? That really would be the ultimate. Most of you know that although Resistance radically increased the collision detection, if it were up to the standard of say Hitman for example the possibilities from that point onwards truely would be endless. Imagine that, seeing the AI and your own character being able to move around such close, complicated environments and also being able to take part in larger scale maneuvers in one game. I hope also the capture the flag element of the multiplayer scene will not follow into OFP2 what a waste that was of such an incredible amount of vehciles/environment to enjoy wink_o.gif I tried searching but no-one seems to have properly addressed the incredible possibilities of this yet..what do you think?

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I see what you mean but I had a look through that thread and there seems to be alot of idea bouncing rather than any discussion about how important others think collision detection would be. Anybody else think it would be the final piece of the jigsaw that would make the perfect game?

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Yep, the game's only major flaw and I think this is under heavy re-coding.

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