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Server Standardisation

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Having tried to play OFP online for several nights now I have drawn some conclusions. (!)

I use OFP 1.3 / GameSPY Arcade

1. Many ppl simply do not know what to do. At All!

2. Many ppl do not know how to use the # server commands.

3. Even when they overcome these problems eventually there is still considerable difficulty getting into a game.

4. I witness a great deal of "Lets go and screw the newbies" when a server is full or someone cant connect because of reasons 1-3.

The newbies of today are the vets of tommorrow.

I propose a standard method of posting servers on the net (GameSPY etc.):


* [] denotes optional


DEDSRVR = Server Name

XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = IP Address for direct connection

PPPP = Port Number if non-default

VER = Upgrade/Server Version running

TT = Turnover Time (Mins). Max time a player will have to wait for a new game to start.

VW = Visitors Welcome. Not a clan/squad server etc.

PSW = Password Required to join.

This information would remove much frustration for many newcomers (like me too!) and make OFP a better community to visit. It's just a workaround for the very basic structure of OFP server joining.

Further suggestions/refinements welcome.

Lets do something though ;-)


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