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Jump !!how to realize ? i have the anims.

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First i have to say my englisch is bad.

Now my Problem .

I made two anims the first is the jump.

And the other is the flyanim.

class freefall2: StandBase


actions = StandTalkActions;


speed = -3.0;  



duty =0.700000;

onLandBeg =1;


connectFrom[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1};

connectTo[]={freefall2stat, 1};

interpolateTo[]={freefall2stat, 1};


class freefall2stat: StandBase


actions = StandTalkActions;


speed = -1.0;  



duty =0.600000;

onLandBeg =1;


connectFrom[]={freefall2, 1};

connectTo[]={freefall2stat, 1};





I have to say i dont know anything about cpp´s.

The soldier jumps and freeze on this position (picture)

Is it possible that he falls in this position?

THX in Advance

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That's the same problem that you get if you use SetPos on a unit, or CreateVehicle in mid air. OFP doesn't bother applying gravity.

What to do is use the following code:

_jumper switchmove "Jumpanim"


_opos = GetPos _jumper    (where jumper is id of person)

_height = _opos select <bugger, I forget the index in the Position struct for the Z (height) coordinate. I think it's 2. Ach, I'm sure you'll find it>

? _height <= 0: goto "jumpdone"

; Adjust height of jumper

_jumper setpos [_opos select 0, _opos select 1, (_opos select 2)-1]


; Might want to adjust wait above to reflect gravity

goto "lp"


_jumper setdamage 1    ; You want jumper to look bloodied


Hmm; I wonder if SetVelocity could be used here.... interesting. Anyway Hunt I might try that later on...

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