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Character faces and wounds

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I have derived a class from Civilian1 (a stock OFP model) for my new addon. The derived class behaves like civilian1, but I would like to change the derived class's face to a custom one.

I can embed

class eventhandlers


init = [this] exec "setface.sqs"


which basically calls the SetFace scripting command, BUT whenever my new civilian object is damaged, the face reverts to a BIS model.

So, 2 questions:

1) Is there any way to apply a custom face texture to the addon via config.cpp, without using the SetFace scripting command?

2) I know the wounds[] array is a list of [wounded, unwounded] string pairs identifying textures to display. (Well it certainly looks like it smile_o.gif )

However, when I change items in the array to:


and the new unit is shot, the face stays the same! The path of the damaged_face texture is correct.

Why is this? Can anyone offer any help on how wounds[] works?

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