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Something fishy

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Ok I clicked on the moderators profile names and all of them 'cept scream have been deleated. This is why there are no replies to our problems, they have all pissed off.

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Well I'll tell you what is going on. The boards are going to s**t and right now probably someone figured out the password for the moderators (which is probably "flashpoint" or such) and is going to delete everything and we will have new forums soon.

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Really? the password is "flashpoint"confused.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Am not sure, but I think this is about a guy seeking revenge on every single OFP forum and fan site because someone did not treat him right in his own twisted opinion.

BTW: I doubt the password is flashpoint wink.gif


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No way is it flashpoint....they wouldn't be so careless and dumb.....my password is random letters and numbers...

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It's most likely in their own language, and somthing that is not easy to guess, Like a string of numbers and letters.

if someone got it they probably h4x0red to get it smile.gif

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