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hi every1 i got these really cool missions my friend made but i want to tweak them a lil bit...I Went into my C:/Codemasters/OperationFlashpoint/MPmissions and found the missions i wanted...I DE-PBO'D THEM AND than extracted them to my username missions directory...I went to that directory and opened up the mission with notepad and couldnt understand a bit of what it was saying (IT WAS ENCRYPTED) so i got this de-crypter program from the editing center and dont know how to use it...DOES ANY1 OUT THERE KNOW HOW TO DECRYPT A MISSION.SQM FILE IF SOO PLZ TELL ME HOW THE WHOLE STORY PLZ......THANX FOR YOUR TIME *SALUTES* GOODBYE AND THANKU*

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1. Drag and drop the SQM file on the decrypter EXE file.


2. Copy the SQM file into the same folder as the decrypter EXE and run the program.

This output is a file named MISSION.TXT, which you'll have to rename back to SQM if you want to use it in OFP.

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Are there two types of code that are being used? Several times the files do not decompile   I get #56#46#12#27   what’s up with that.  

And my decompiler is used in DOS mode in command view.  Where’s this drag and drop program?

I use cmiss-uncomp.exe

(Edited by Bucko at 6:02 pm on Nov. 14, 2001)

(Edited by Bucko at 6:38 pm on Nov. 14, 2001)

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ok heres what i do; i depbo a mission from my mp directory and get the mission.sqm file...i make a new folder on my desktop and call it Decrypt.. i put my unpack-sqm.exe file in there and a copy of the mission.sqm file in there... i than drag my mission.sqm to the unpack-sqm.exe utility...and i get this error message: Cant open mission.sqm : No such file or directory at unpack pl. line 38 :confused: :sad:

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If the SQM file is already in the same directory as the unpack program, just doubleclick on the unpack EXE.

I've found that this program does not successfully work when run against many a BIS created SQM file.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bucko on 7:01 pm on Nov. 14, 2001

Where’s this drag and drop program?

<span id='postcolor'>

It's called Windows Explorer. What! You don't have it?confused.gif?

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yeah yeah I have it smile.gif  


but i think the cmiss-uncomp   don't work that way..  

  DOS    (  C:\folder\xx\ cmiss-uncomp thismission.sqm >thismission.txt )

oh one one more thing cut the last three or so lines off the bottom of text file before useing " this file was created by blaw blaw blaw...)

I did find this info:


"cmiss-uncomp.exe decompresses BI official format. You need a tool called unpack-sqm.exe to decompress the files exported by the ingame editor."

I now have the file unpack-sqm,   DL it from another web site..

Bucko out

can edit the edit lol

(Edited by Bucko at 11:31 pm on Nov. 14, 2001)

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looking looking don't know.

will send to you if you don't find.

Bucko out

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hey bucko maybe u know how to at least use these msdos programs (E.G. unpack-sqm.exe;cmiss-uncomp, and others can u plz tell me how they work for me cause i dont have any idea and i just wanna add like these new vehicles to these missions but they r encrypted so i cant add **** too em.....lol i need all the help and info i can get thanks

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alright i figured every thing out except that i open up mission.sqm and the Outro loose script is missing (THE LINES UNPACK-SQM.EXE TAKES OUT) can any1 tell me what to put here in the outro loose section thanks

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I downloaded the UnComp utility (cmiss-uncomp.exe). I placed it in a directory along with a mission.sqm file and ran the EXE in a DOS window. The output was sent on-screen only. How can I capture it to a file?

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Someone gave me the answer. I ran the following:


Now I know I've been using Windows for too long!

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If you saw it on screen, maybe it went to clipboards or temp directory?confused.gifconfused.gif

Or maybe you can add a "send to file" command in the CLI when you're executing the original file?confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

(Edited by Bloodshot at 3:31 pm on Nov. 15, 2001)

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I typed "cmiss-~1.exe>mission.txt" n ms-dos.

I got the following:

#105 #115 #32 #101 #120 #101 #32 #102 #105 #108 #101 #32 #119 #97 #115 #32 #99 #114 #101 #97 #116 #101 #100 #32 #119 #105 #116 #104 #32 #116 #104 #101 #32 #101 #118 #97 #108 #117 #97 #116 #105 #111 #110 #32 #118 #101 #114 #115 #105 #111 #110 #32 #111 #102 #32 #80 #101 #114 #108 #50 #69 #120 #101 #46 #13 #10 #70 #111 #114 #32 #109 #111 #114 #101 #32 #105 #110 #102 #111 #114 #109 #97 #116 #105 #111 #110 #32 #118 #105 #115 #105 #116 #32 #104 #116 #116 #112 #58 #47 #47 #119 #119 #119 #46 #105 #110 #100 #105 #103 #111 #115 #116 #97 #114 #46 #99 #111 #109 #13 #10 #40 #84 #104 #101 #32 #102 #117 #108 #108 #32 #118 #101 #114 #115 #105 #111 #110 #32 #100 #111 #101 #115 #32 #110 #111 #116 #32 #100 #105 #115 #112 #108 #97 #121 #32 #116 #104 #105 #115 #32 #109 #101 #115 #115 #97 #103 #101 #32 #119 #105 #116 #104 #32 #97 #32 #50 #32 #115 #101 #99 #111 #110 #100 #32 #100 #101 #108 #97 #121 #46 #41 #13 #10 #46 #46 #46 #13 #10

This exe file was created with the evaluation version of Perl2Exe.

For more information visit http://www.indigostar.com

(The full version does not display this message with a 2 second delay.)


Im using it 4 the official missions only.

Im stumped so ne help would b greatly appreciated

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Either your MISSION.SQM file is corrupted or it's already decrypted.

Run DePBO against, say, the SP Steal The Car Mission and try decrypting that mission's SQM file (assuming it's encrypted). Does it work?

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That compiled program with the numbers (#23 #101)

Uses the other decompliler. (dumper, extractor what ever)


And guess what, I forgot where I got that one TOO.. Getting old.

Bucko out

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I get the same with all my user made mission including the campaign I lost (DUE TO CHANGING NAME:(

would be nice to get back the 300hrs work.

so if the pbo is extracted with UNPACK-SQM.ZIP and ofp_uncompsqm it should be fine?


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Ok. I can edit all unoffical missions, but i can't edit some of the offical mission. many offical missions. I can edit all unoffical with de-pbo and unpack-sqm. But i can't edit all offical missions.

an example. I i try to edit SP mission Take the car.

-I use De-pbo and extract files. Everything is ok. I get briefing, everything needed. But, when i try to decrypt the mission.sqm with unpack-sqm, it says: Use of init....................etc. The message is repeating. I download cmiss-uncomp and i see how the program is decrypting files. But, the problem is the same as avonlady's problem. I can't see the created file.

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I want a new set of those decrypted campaign/SP missions! The 1.0 ones are getting old, now.

BTW, I just played Ghost Recon - It sucks! I mean its worse than Rogue Spear...I'd rather play rogue spear than this counter-striked garbage!

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