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Captain Kickass

Arent the Germans great?

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Who likes the Germans? I personally have nowt against them. I like Volkswagen but prefer MGRover personally.

(and TVR!!!!!)

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German cars suck. Italians make the best cars... at least until they rust to bits.

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have you ever been in a bar with about 100 German Solders? (They come to Shilo a base 15 mins out of town where I Live in Canada for training)

I have it's spokey

1) They look normal

2) they totaly take up 1 side of the bar

3) some time while your wondering you pass a line and the language changes

this is really freaky as you can step back and forth and it keeps switching lol (need to be really hammered to get the full effect)

We used to have so many Germans here we used to tell Turists that we are a captured City left over from WWII

they laugh and then you tell them what most ppl know around here, the mountains to the north of us were Candian based WWII Prisons Areas for Captured Germans

Then you say some Rioted back in the 40's and siezed Control of Brandon (where I live)

then they laugh even more and say you must be kidding, so we say how else can you explain so many germans?

but now the germans don't come here for training any more, we have a few left, ones that married local girls, one guy in Auston (small town) owns the best Kawisaki Dealer ship in the area when it comes to mechanics of superbikes (like mine baby 201 mph/324kph)

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Then it comes to engineering the Germans are problably among the best in the world. Cars, weapons, ships electronics, they stand out in many fields of engineering. And cars, they probably manufacture some of the best cars in the world as well. Personally I´m very much in love with the Audi S2 Coupé. Been trying to find onne for a reasonable price but they are rare. sad.gif

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I can't believe you all left out the most important contribution of the Germans.......

BEER !!!!!

<-----I'm German descent myself (maybe why I like beer so much?? LOL)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter

Then it comes to engineering the Germans are problably among the best in the world. Cars, weapons, ships electronics, they stand out in many fields of engineering.

<span id='postcolor'>


I guess you never saw the Junk Yard Wars in the UK and North America (TV Show)

there was a 2 hour Episode called Mega Wars

American (no cadians boooo)


Russain with a German in command

the Russians/Gremans lost

The teams had to build a vechile that could race along the dry salt beds of the US, then 4x4 in the mountains and then enter a River Race lol, all from junk yard scrap

funny as ####

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Had my car broken into in Brussels (Booo !!!), but repaired in Aachen, Germany (Yay!). I'm trying to learn German at the moment. Got to be easier than Hungarian.

So yes, I like Germans.

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#### u. i like the whoe word. Every country have some bad people and every country have some good people.

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This thread is pointless and belongs in the off topic along with a lot of Kickasses threads..... when is the

dreaded #MODERATOR MODE gonna step in

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