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Homer Johnston

Civilian texture files

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I'm looking for civilian texture files I can modify... the first ones available that come to mind are the official ones sent with the game

I've found the sets with prefixes jirka_  , karel_  , and petr_  , but I can't find any of the resistance sets... any help, please?  

I'd be happy if I could get my hands on any other useable textures, though... if theres a civilian pack somewhere I could base mine off of...

thanks! HoJo

edit::omg, I actually managed to post this in the wrong forum  crazy_o.gif  that's what I get for having two windows open at once... sorry... if a mod would be so kind to either move it or just delete it and ill repost it sometime rock.gif

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Are they not in res\addons\o.pbo ?

Certainly they are in that directory.


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I just checked it out, and according to the dump of config185.bin file by a-lone-wolf, the new res character models and textures are in O.Pbo in the CHAR subdirectory.



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