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Guest Gunship USMC

Performance settings for a ADSL  Server

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Guest Gunship USMC


I had an ADSL dedicaded server with 64 KB/s upload and 512 KB/s down!

Question: How many players can play on this server?

and what is the best performance setting for this server?

I layed over Lan when i create a dedicaded OFP Server to the Internet (it lags very much and i always fall out of my helicopter)

Can anyone help ME?


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Ehm.. 64kbit upload aint good for a server, 1 -maybe- 2 players...

Doing 4-5 players with a 256kbit link here, it works but it aint good enough smile.gif

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Guest Gunship USMC


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Guest Gunship USMC

Did any one had an Server.cfg File for me ?

I cannot make a File with Password protection.

Any one can help me?


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Looks like someone is messing with their bits and bytes... wink.gif

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(Note: these figures are NOT exact in any way, but can be used as a guild line)

To check your up/dload band widths go to these sites)






Server Limits

down/up (transfer rates)

A) 56k low end 1.3/1.3 (old phone lines can only handle 2.6k no moatter what way it's going)

B) 56k med 2.6/2.6 (phone line can handle 5.6k but crap modem can't or vesa versa)

C)56k high end 5.6+/5.6+ (can even reach 12 kb locally if you have new phone lines made for data transfer)

down/up (transfer rates)(playerX based on 0-100 ping)

D) Crap DSL 250/50 (4 players max)

E) DSL med 450/70-100 (6-8 players max)

F) DLS high end 850/100 (8 players max)

G) DSL Rare and FAST 1500+/100-150 (12 players max)

H) 7000-8000 - yes DSL can go that fast but the CRTC wont allow it, if you say you have one you're lying and modem uncappers don't work like that


(note the larger tghe cites the more node sharing, my node has 3 users on it casue we're a small city, bigger ones can get 30+ users per node and peak usage suffers greatly)

down/up (transfer rates)(playerX based on 0-100 ping)

I) Cable 300-500/10-50 (2-4 players max)

J) Cable 500-750/10-100+ (2-8 players - depends on usage)

K) Cable 750-1000/-50-100 (4-8 players)

(note cable below is rare and has less users per node)

L) Cable 1000-1500/100-150 (8-12 Players)

M) Cable 1500-1750/100-150+ (8-12+ Players)

N) past this are lies as thre CTRC will not allow faster data rate for residentual use, and modem uncapper don't work much any more

(T1/3 are based on them NOT having any Capped modem restrictions, just casue you have one dooes not mean it runs that fast)

down/up (transfer rates)(playerX based on 0-100 ping)

O) T1 Capped 1500+/100-500+ (8-40+)

P) T1 1500+/1500+ (120 players+)

Q) T3 Capped 4500+/1000+ (80+)

R) T3 4500+/4500+ (320+ players) sweeettttt

then we can go into the better Optic lines and it just gets faster, but those are basically trunks from me to you that we conect to

The number are not exact, but they are close, AND when I say MAX PLAYERS and you bltch saying "nooooo I can host more" (I know you can) but these numbers are based on having little in any lag

past those numbers and your clients will start to see lag affects in different increments

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Test running..........

** Speed 2537(down)/853(up) kbps **

(At least 50 times faster than a 56k modem)


I just got these results for my ADSL connection at dslreports.com. Any ideas how many players I could host?

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I think you chose the wrong setting, ADSL is not that Fast, SDSL is not that fast, it has a Faster Upload almost matching it's dload (stands for Asimetrical/ simentrial - this onws allows better two way communication - spelling = blaa), try all three sites

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On http://www.bandwidthplace.com/

I got:

"Your raw speed was 1870249.06 bits per second. There are 3 meaningful ways we can interpret this number:

Communications context

1.9 megabits per second

This is how communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples of this context include 56k modem, 384/128 DSL, and 10Mbit Ethernet

Storage context


kilobytes per second

This is how data is measured on your hard drive and how FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

4.5 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed."

On http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/Bandwidth.asp

Text Block Size 5000 KB

Download Time 39820 ms

Receive Buffer 373760 bytes

Transmission Speed 1005 Kb/s

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the over all way to find your fasted possible dload speed it to conect to yout ISP's FTP server and dload from them

they should have one

What this does is make sure your dloading from a server on your own ISP, it will be pure speed since your in the same town

I get 300-400kbs on dloads from my ISP's FTP

once you have that you know what your Max dload is and you can compare that to the other three site

the 1mb you got should be closer to your DSL speed

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Cool...thanks for the advice:)

I went to my provider..not an ftp site mind you but a website. (http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/drivers/).  Using analogX netstat live....I got a download speed (max) of 2630.2 kilobits/second. So that'd be closer to my actual, unhampered, (max)speed?

(note:IE showed max 393KB/s)

(Edited by Maethos at 4:48 pm on Nov. 18, 2001)

(Edited by Maethos at 4:54 pm on Nov. 18, 2001)

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nova scotia Sympaitic lol

manitoba Sympayico DSL here at my grand mothers

I have Cable at home

it's seems to be a fluke, since you live in canada your not actually supposed to have that speed by law

I know when my ISP tweaks things I can see my dloads shoot up to 2megs as well, so i know we can handle it, but it's agaisnt the LAW provided by the CRTC who limit the speed in which Residental User are alowed to use

they dont want to have the ISP install more Fiber Optics (like one per house hold) and no one should ever really need a FO to thier house (would be nice though)

Do you self a favor and DONT talk to you ISP, or they will cut your speed

you're basicall using your own Fiber Optic (25% of one any ways) line where your DSL conects to the juction box down the street, you may evern be killing other users speed at times lol

check to see if your nieboors get that speed

a dedicated Fiber Optic, man don't you dare tell a soul

last time i opened my mouth my ISP told me that i was not being check for Stats and that I was way over using a T1 band width for a server I ran and then they said if they wanted to they could bill me $1000 a month if I kep using 100 times my allowable limit lol

I shut the server down that day, if i never said a word I would have been fine

and my 1700/1500 was cut to 1700/150 at home

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I don't think it's a fluke...most of my mpowered friends get the same results.


"Q. How fast is the Mpowered PC network?

A. Mpowered PC uses ADSL, (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology. This technology modifies its transmission speed depending on the state of the physical phone line so actual speed between two different customer connects may differ. This technology is also dependent on the length of the local cable loop, which is the distance from your home to our telephone switching office. Rates in the Mpowered PC environment can vary up to 3 Mbs downstream (to the subscriber), and up to 1.5 Mbs upstream (from the subscriber). "

Also check these results at dslreports.

<a href="http://www.dslreports.com/archive/mpoweredpc.net?r=836

" target="_blank">http://www.dslreports.com/archive/mpoweredpc.net?r=836


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yes and the actual modem they give you can reach 8mbit but the fact remains that ADSL can't reach that speed

the CRTC set the speed to around 2mbits I believe

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