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U have my attention!

 I com'ath from Dereth land of Asheron's Call.  

Can we loot corpse's and do we have to eat?

Bucko out

(Edited by Bucko at 10:11 pm on Dec. 20, 2001)

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xxxvader, I would like to put a link to your site on my forum ( www.ofpnorway.com ), is it OK with you?

..uhm heck I´ll do it anyway.. *G* with or without you permission!

I love the idea of an RPG mod that uses the OFP engine, it will open a whole new world of possibilities (literally) within OFP.


(Edited by Hidden at 12:51 am on Dec. 21, 2001)

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I have 1 question:

How do you stack the Sand Bags?

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heres the script i use to move objects up or "stack" them

_b= _this select0

_bag = getpos _b

_x = _bag select 0

_y = _bag select 1

_z = _bag select 2

_b setpos [_x,_y,_z+2]


execute the script with [this] exec "script.sqs", you can edit all the objects you stacked by only changing the values here.

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Dude, your webpage looks all garbled on my computer screen. What's up with that?? I would like to see that RPG you're working on. I REALLY wish BIS would get their act together and release that SDK. Then we would stop whining to them about having them release more mods for the game. smile.gif They could then just work on maybe some kind of mod activator (like they have in swat 3 or urban ops) that you could click to enable or disable. That would be very nice indeed.

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oh that sandbag thing. I would love to see someone put a map together that makes the sandbags just high enough so that when you kneel, your head and gun are just above the bag. Kind of like they do in real life. You know...cover?? smile.gif

That's gotta be my biggest annoyance with creation of Mapping Tool"l shootes (i.e. swat 3 and urban ops). If they just tested the game and said, "gee, that object isn't really giving people the Mapping Tool"l cover they need when they kneel.." and then they fix it, that would be really nice. smile.gif

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