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Reforger 1.3 Not Available On Xbox

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To preface, I am aware that Arma Reforger's experimental branch has run into issues on Xbox (or Console in general) due to Console game's restrictions on instability. I am also aware that eventually it will arrive on Console.

However, this doesn't lend any less disappointment on my end. I've been hoping to bug test this update since I read the roadmap, and the fact that Xbox doesn't seem to realize the utility of a public Experimental branch baffles me. More than any previous update, I'm sure I'm not alone in my enthusiasm to test this coming update and make sure, for everyone's sake, that the game runs as well as possible. 

If there's any more clarification on the status of the coming 1.3 update to the Experimental branch, if at all, any other information or discussion, all is welcome here. In the meantime I will continue to sulk on other games until Arma Reforger (Experimental or Stable), updates on Console to 1.3.

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