longstreetcsa 1 Posted Thursday at 12:04 PM Hey guys, I want to prevent having to actively give every single unit in a group its own variable name (so one can easily have newly spawned reserve units join one's group to fill up any losses), but I still want to be able to control part of those units by script, so I wonder if one can somehow utilize the "position ID" (that is used in "joinAs" and "joinAsSilent") to achieve that? I am using the following for testing purposes in a simple trigger. Spoiler { _x spawn { sleep random 1; [_this, "arifle_MXM_F"] call BIS_fnc_fire; }; } forEach units Reg1_Sq1Left; I got two lines of soldiers standing one behind the other. Now if one sets "variable names" to each of the units in that group, one can put them in an "array" and force the rear line lean left/right so they do not kill the fellow soldier right in front of them. But can that be done without giving "variable names" but using the "position ID" of the units in the rear line? That way one could have newly spawned units join, to fill up the losses, and they would still be able to react the same way as the guys they replaced. Also, I still have not found the basic leaning animation while standing still - there is a "drastic" one under "Adjust", but there does not seem to be a basic one available for the AI (mean one like the player can do, when leaning left or ritgh with Q/E)? At least I have not been able to find one within the available animations in Eden for the time being. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites