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a bunch of problems with player's diversions and not only

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Hi its me again


  1. Payers in your team make many kind of diversions on your side. For example you are moving on road in a tank,  team player spawn a truck in front of you and crash it into your tank so its flows in the sky flips over like a poppy and you cannot recover that tank any more, then player just fast travel to another location so you couldn't see Nickname of that G.....n. if you even see what you can do, @kick vote@ never worked for me.
  2. Players in your team are destroying your jamming tower by artillery projectile. Obviously they see every equipment (position) on map in your side (you can feel that its deal of your "teammates" when they  continuously start "surrender vote")


  • set a delay between fast travel to a sector or make that it takes some time for travelling (not immediately)
  • Make that players in your team couldn't see positions of players equipment vehicles etc. on the map farther then one city from current location of that player


Problem with auto SPACE key

when you assemble a vehicle for example and in your equipment consist explosive charges when you press SPACE key it auto deploying a charge and blows your vehicle

the same thing with Camouflage cover/tent when you cover a vehicle by pressing SPACE key it opens a window of "modify/rearm" interface (so i need to close that window every time)

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