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Price Hike

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While I am pleased to hear that Kolguyev is making a return to Arma, I am bothered that the game will be moving from $29.99 to $39.99.

Firstly, I understand that game development is a costly undertaking. Part of the reason I purchased Reforger in the first place was to fund the development of Arma 4. I understand that this project is resource intensive and likely needs money to complete.

Arma Reforger, however, is sorely lacking in many crucial areas. Reforger, with its roadmap complete, and Kolguyev added, would be priced the same as Arma 3, a game with a 3d editor out of the box, better AI, tracked and fixed winged vehicles, a single player campaign, a far better Zeus, etc.

Obviously Arma 3 has its issues, but the lack of content in Reforger cannot be ignored. Raising the price feels really unjustified when the game is downright unfinished.

At the very least add a complex mission editor, similar to 3den. it would give some ability for custom scenarios. overall, you sold this game on the basis of funding Arma 4. now we know that isn't coming until 2027. You have to justify the price.

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