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[US/EU] ~Black Eagles Strike Force~ (Recruiting)

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New to Arma? Been around for awhile and looking for something more relaxed, then the Black Eagles are for you. We're a small spec-ops unit that specializes in guerrilla combat and special operations we have fun but can lock in when pushing a objective. I'm the Captain of the unit and I've been apart of many great units from Realism all the way to PVP only. I decided to start my own cause I felt having that mid-ground between realism and casual is rare. So we hope to bridge that gap If you're interested feel free to add me or join our discord from the link below and chat with me or my lieutenant.

Discord: https://discord.gg/FPnhG3jxuU
Modpack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816673593

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