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Brandon Hakki

At a lost with a mod

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i hope this is the correct place.

i have been trying to use this woodland bradley for my custom cti mission as the desert one is ugly and out of place. i made a mod folder mad an addons folder and a key folder placed the pbo and bisign into the addons and the key into the key folder howerver, when i load the editor i can place it, drive it and use it but when i suspend and try to come back in it says the can not play/eddit dlc tgw woodland bradley missing. again i have watched videos tried googling it nothin. any help or tips would be nice its hard to find info on anything and im about to give up

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On 10/13/2024 at 8:59 PM, dalber24 said:

@Brandon Hakki No, it's not the right place, but oh well, since we're here...
You're using version 1.64, with this version it happens a lot more than with 1.63, if you change to 1.63 it's very possible that it won't happen anymore.

Once you change version, you may also need to restart the mission for it to work correctly, not always, but sometimes it's necessary

Here you can see that it worked for users.

Да, спасибо большое братан.


Unfortunately it did not work I ended up just replacing the paa files in default with the mods paa. Apparently there is two version of this mod and one has a typo in it somewhere I’ll look at it this weekend when I’m free to see if I can fix it. But thanks for the help anyways!

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