Dyson H 8 Posted October 1, 2024 Project TNI is a mod that adds the Indonesian National Armed Forces into the game, introducing new weapons, vehicles, and equipment for players. It is focused on domestically-produced armament primarily used by the Army. If you have any feedback or comments, or would like to help with development to continue adding assets. Join the discord below. I hope you enjoy the mod! Current version: 1.26 Workshop file: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3341099447 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Dyson H - Main Developer, 3D Modelling, Animation, Texturing, Configuration Neolucious - PhysX help, Military Advisor, Beta Testing Golden - Carc Texture, Logo Revision, Beta Testing Fall - Trailer Video Moose (Outworld Studios) - Weapon Sound Shimakaze125 - AD Camo Texture Mr Mekis - Beta Testing Hazer_AL - Beta Testing KertaJaya - Beta Testing Bohemia Interactive - A2/A3 Samples and Tools Special Thanks exocet, for teaching me basic SQF HorribleGoat, POLPOX, Apollo and many others in the ARMA discord for helping with troubleshooting and bug-fixing Neolucious for the military advice/consultation Rei for helping me organize my ADHD brain in SQF ------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensing This item is not authorized for posting on Steam without explicit authorization from Dyson H. Retexture and patch mods are excluded. This project is under “Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)".https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-nd ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dyson H 8 Posted October 2, 2024 Day 1 Patch Focusing on game breaking issues for now -CBA is now a dependency to make RHS (and other mods) compatible -Removed bipod compatibility for all SS2 variants (redundancy) -Removed pointer compatibility on SS2 GL variants (redundancy) -Fixed SS2-V4 broken sight view (missing ViewPilot LOD) -Fixed the Anoa commander being the driver -Fixed Komodo Gunner seat not having a hole -Fixed Komodo passenger number from 8 to 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dyson H 8 Posted October 4, 2024 The Peacekeepers are here! And Happy Birthday TNI AD! Today marks the 79th anniversary of the Indonesian Army. Along with some new fixes, Indonesia's own UN Peacekeepers have been added to this update! Including desert uniforms, blue helmets, and UN-painted vehicles! Quote -UN Faction added -Added DPM Desert uniform with variants -Added AD Desert uniform with variants -Added PASGT and Beret UN variants -Added UN Skins for all vehicles -Fixed Komodo gunner hole closing when aiming backwards -Fixed gunner screen in unarmed Anoa -Fixed Harimau texture issue on commander/gunner turnout seat -Fixed Hairmau shadows appearing at the back -Changed "Combat Fatigues (Officer)" to "Officer Fatigues" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dyson H 8 Posted October 8, 2024 Two new updates... Added the Military Police, a new marksman rifle, a new skin for the komodo. Now also includes ACE, ACRE2, and TFAR compatibilty! Quote Version 1.2 Polisi Militer Update NEW FEATURES -Added Military Policeman unit -Added M1 Helmet (MP and normal variant) -Added MP sling vest and armband -Added SPM-1 -Added Komodo Brimob skin -Added Indonesian flag marker FIXES -SPR-3 is now more accurate -Marksman now uses SPM-1 -Added UN group units -Vehicle skins can now be changed in the "Edit Vehicle Appearance" menu -Added ranging for Komodo GPMG -Lowered G2 Pistol mass Quote Version 1.25 ACE/ACRE/TFAR Update ACE FEATURES -Added cargo features to all vehicles -Added hunter killer system to the Harimau -Added repairable individual sections to all vehicles -Refuel/Rearm/Repair ACE mode on NPS-75 Trucks ACRE2 FEATURES -Added intercom systems to the Harimau, Komodo, and Anoa -Added long range radio to all vehicles TFAR -Added intercom systems to the Harimau, Komodo, and Anoa -Added long range radio to the Harimau COMBAT PATROL -Added for all official maps FIXES -Fixed SPM-1 shadow and some texture issues (band-aid fix) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites