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feedback season 20 update

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I have a few problems with this new update.


first what I love.. that jumping widens the aimcross.

and jumping all the time really ruins stamina. tired of these bunnyhoppers .it's nice to see them having to behave more normal and tactical. 

I love that doors take longer to open and having to pick up loot takes more time..


I love the more balanced loadouts in elimination and more weapon availability.


also the upgraded mg 42 sounds and firerate is cooler. 

the pistols shooting faster. cool.

crosshair aim on the revolvers being less tight could be cool. harder to make headshots. 

crosshair aim on the pm being tigher also cool


what I don't like.


that it takes longer to start climbing ladders. 


the amount of tracerrounds is too much. not so much the tracerrounds as the white lines in the air.

but it looks really cool when the white lines happen when you're inside a building.and someone shoots through the wall.

that looks really realistic like the sawdust and dust in the houses is creating the white lines. 


but outside. it's ridiculous.

if it's done for noobs..then people need to learn to listen where people are shooting from. 

this is just catering to the noobs. it's like playing star wars.


I really would like to see that the tracer rounds are based on the weapons magazine? every ten shots a red or green tracerround and the last 5 shots to warn the shooter the magazine is almost empty. and that they get used more on the nightmap.

because this is too much.sometimes I can't even see who I am shooting at anymore with all the white lines.. 


then there is the aimcross. 


I joined vigor because I LOVE 3rd person shooters. 

i don't want to use the iron sights too much. it's really annoying to be forced to use these ironsights.

I don't mind the aimcross is gone on the rifles at all.that feels more realistic.

side effect is that a lot of people are more dangerous now using the scopes and ironsights. 

I get killed more often now

now that they no longer use crosshairs. 


also now that the aimcross barely tightens if at all with machineguns like the rpk and rpk74 when I crouch and sneak or in prone I am forced to use the ironsights.

and it doesn't even matter anymore if you crouch or go prone. I can just run around like the cheaters because the crosshair aim doesn't matter anymore. 


I just don't like that at all. I don't want to play this game as a 1st person shooter just to be good at it. or as a hybrid 3rd person,1st person shooter.

or abandon careful sneaking and aiming in crouch or prone position.

the way the red crosshair was set up in season 19 was much better. 

 it worked. 


anywayzz. that was my feedback. I had a great time playing again after leaving for a very long time when you added mortaring the bushes in season 13 or something.

I don't want to leave again. I love the game.. I love that it's hard. but this update just doesn't feel right. and it's the first time I wanted to give feedback about it.


ok thank you and I hope the game keeps improving. because I love vigor the way it was in season 19. not so much in 20.


also wanted to say..I havent been in the situation again to see if it changed since season 18 or 17..maybe it already has been fixed but you can't beat eachother up in the water.you have to get out of the water to beat eachother when you're out of bullets.. you can stare at eachother real menacing but that's about it.

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