DynCoder 0 Posted September 3, 2024 I am running into an issue with a mission I am making where one of my scripts is not running when played on a dedicated server. While hosting locally it works perfectly fine, but on a dedicated server the spectrum device script straight up does not run on neither server nor clients (checked with diag_activeSQFScripts). The intention is to run the script on both server and clients from init.sqf using execVM. /** init.sqf */ // Only on players if (hasInterface) then { waitUntil{!isNull player}; [] execVM "scripts\irrelevantscript1.sqf"; [] execVM "scripts\script2.sqf"; // And so on }; if (isServer) then { "spawn_area" setMarkerAlpha 0; [] execVM "scripts\cleanup.sqf"; }; [] execVM "scripts\spectrum\spectrum_device.sqf"; The script at the end is the one that doesn't work on a dedicated server. The rest of the scripts always work and are part of a default template we use. The script that isn't running is as follows: //script by [STELS]BendeR //1.6 updates in sa_ewar.sqf //1.5a small spike signals optimization //1.5 fixed spike signals&SA_DISABLE_SPIKE_SIGNALS setting //1.4b added additional client signal list sync in mp //v1.4a added stringtable.xml support //v1.4 //-added attachment check for objects in fnc_sa_calc_signal_str //v1.3 //-scan moved to separate script sa_ewar.sqf, small fixes, added jamm v1.0, antennas reworked //v1.2 //-major script rework, added realistic signal fade&default values //Mission settings sa_beacons=[[t0,705],[t1,585],[t2,825],[t3,630],[t4,765],[t5,870],[t6,900],[t7,930],[t8,525],[t9,675]]; //Script settings sa_tan_limit=0.9;//Antenna tangens (distance from center of screen) sa_time_k=0.5;//scan frequency (frequency of script execution) sa_base_signal_str=36;//dBm 4W signal sa_min_random_str=23; sa_max_random_str=36; sa_freq_min=500;//MHz sa_freq_max=1000; sa_freq_window=20; sa_freq_sel_step=1; sa_sens_min=-120;//dBm Min&max device sensitivity sa_sens_max=0; sa_objects_frequency=[]; sa_visible_freq=[]; sa_scan_in_progress=false; //Calc terrain signal fade //based on function TFAR_fnc_calcTerrainInterception from Taskforce Radio addon by NKey fnc_sa_calc_terrain_fade ={ params ["_pos_obj","_pos_player"]; private ["_result","_middle","_l", "_r", "_m"]; _result=1; if (terrainIntersectASL[_pos_obj, _pos_player]) then { _l = 0.1; _r = 1.0; _m = 0.5; _middle = [((_pos_obj select 0) + (_pos_player select 0)) / 2.0, ((_pos_obj select 1) + (_pos_player select 1)) / 2.0, ((_pos_obj select 2) + (_pos_player select 2)) / 2.0]; _base = _middle select 2; while {(_r - _l) > 0.1} do { _middle set[2, _base + (_m*100)]; if ((!terrainIntersectASL [ _pos_obj, _middle ]) and {!terrainIntersectASL [ _pos_player, _middle ]}) then { _r = _m; } else { _l = _m; }; _m = (_l + _r) / 2.0; }; _result = 1-_m; }; _result; }; //Calc strength of received signal fnc_sa_calc_signal_str ={ params ["_signal","_antenna_k"]; private ["_tan","_dif","_sa_obj_pos","_distance","_initial_signal_str","_signal_strength","_pos_player","_terrain_k","_obj","_attach"]; _obj=_signal select 0; _attach=attachedTo _obj; _sa_obj_pos_asl=getPosASL _obj; _sa_obj_pos_agl=getPosATL _obj; _dif=worldToScreen _sa_obj_pos_agl; _pos_player=eyePos player; _signal_strength=sa_sens_min; if (count _dif == 0) exitWith { _signal_strength; }; _dif set [1, (_dif # 1) / 3]; _tan = [0.5, 0.5] distance2D _dif; if(_tan <= sa_tan_limit) then { _terrain_k=[_sa_obj_pos_asl,_pos_player] call fnc_sa_calc_terrain_fade; _direction_k=2*(((sa_tan_limit-_tan)/sa_tan_limit)^3); _distance=(player distance _sa_obj_pos_agl)/1000; if(isNil{_signal select 2}) then { _initial_signal_str=sa_base_signal_str; } else { _initial_signal_str=_signal select 2; }; _signal_strength=_terrain_k*_antenna_k*_direction_k*_initial_signal_str-(33.4+(20*log(_signal select 1))+(20*log(_distance))); }; _signal_strength; }; [] spawn { if(isDedicated || !hasInterface) exitWith {}; waitUntil { !isNull player; }; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_FMin", sa_freq_min]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_FMax", sa_freq_max]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SMin", sa_sens_min]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SMax", sa_sens_max]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMin", sa_freq_min]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMax", (sa_freq_min+sa_freq_window)]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_Transmit", false]; private _sa_eh_mouse_down=-1; private _sa_eh_mouse_up=-1; private _sa_eh_key=-1; private ["_visible_signals","_sa_antenna_k","_sa_signal_str","_sel_max","_sel_min"]; sa_str_message=if (isLocalized "STR_SA_Discretization") then { localize "STR_SA_Discretization" } else {"Discretization step: %1"}; while{true} do { uiSleep(sa_time_k); _visible_signals=[]; sa_visible_freq=[]; if ((currentWeapon player) in ["hgun_esd_01_F","hgun_esd_01_antenna_01_F","hgun_esd_01_antenna_02_F","hgun_esd_01_antenna_03_F"]) then { // switch ((handgunItems player) select 0) do { // case "muzzle_antenna_01_f": {_sa_antenna_k=0.2;sa_tan_limit=1.2;}; // case "muzzle_antenna_02_f": {_sa_antenna_k=1;sa_tan_limit=0.9;}; // case "muzzle_antenna_03_f": {_sa_antenna_k=0.6;sa_tan_limit=0.4;}; // default {_sa_antenna_k=0.05;sa_tan_limit=0.4;} // }; _sa_antenna_k = 1; sa_tan_limit = 1; { _sa_signal_str=[_x,_sa_antenna_k] call fnc_sa_calc_signal_str; if(_sa_signal_str>sa_sens_min) then{ sa_visible_freq pushBack [_x,_sa_signal_str]; _visible_signals pushBack (_x select 1); _visible_signals pushBack _sa_signal_str; }; } forEach sa_objects_frequency; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_Values",_visible_signals]; //Event handler if (_sa_eh_mouse_down==-1) then { _sa_eh_mouse_down=findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown", { params ["_displayorcontrol", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; if (_button==0) then { sa_scan_in_progress=true }; }]; }; if (_sa_eh_mouse_up==-1) then { _sa_eh_mouse_up=findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp",{ params ["_displayorcontrol", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; if (_button==0) then { sa_scan_in_progress=false }; }]; }; if (_sa_eh_key==-1) then { _sa_eh_key=findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",{ params ["_displayorcontrol", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; if (_key in actionKeys "zeroingUp") then { if(_shift) then { sa_time_k=sa_time_k+0.1; if(sa_time_k>1) then { sa_time_k=1; }; hintSilent format [sa_str_message,sa_time_k]; } else { _sel_min=missionNamespace getVariable "#EM_SelMin"; _sel_max=missionNamespace getVariable "#EM_SelMax"; _sel_max=_sel_max+sa_freq_sel_step; _sel_min=_sel_min+sa_freq_sel_step; if (_sel_max>sa_freq_max) then{ _sel_max=sa_freq_max; _sel_min=sa_freq_max-sa_freq_window; }; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMin", _sel_min]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMax", _sel_max]; }; }; if (_key in actionKeys "zeroingDown") then { if(_shift) then { sa_time_k=sa_time_k-0.1; if(sa_time_k<0.1) then { sa_time_k=0.1; }; hintSilent format [sa_str_message,sa_time_k]; } else { _sel_min=missionNamespace getVariable "#EM_SelMin"; _sel_max=missionNamespace getVariable "#EM_SelMax"; _sel_max=_sel_max-sa_freq_sel_step; _sel_min=_sel_min-sa_freq_sel_step; if (_sel_min<sa_freq_min) then{ _sel_max=sa_freq_min+sa_freq_window; _sel_min=sa_freq_min; }; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMin", _sel_min]; missionNamespace setVariable ["#EM_SelMax", _sel_max]; }; }; }]; }; } else { if (_sa_eh_mouse_down!=-1) then { findDisplay 46 displayRemoveEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",_sa_eh_mouse_down]; _sa_eh_mouse_down=-1; }; if (_sa_eh_mouse_up!=-1) then { findDisplay 46 displayRemoveEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp",_sa_eh_mouse_up]; _sa_eh_mouse_up=-1; }; if (_sa_eh_key!=-1) then { findDisplay 46 displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown",_sa_eh_key]; _sa_eh_key=-1; }; }; }; }; if(!isServer) exitWith {}; //Multiplayer signals list sync if(isMultiplayer) then { addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerConnected", { params ["_id", "_uid", "_name", "_jip", "_owner", "_idstr"]; if(_owner>2) then { [sa_objects_frequency,{sa_objects_frequency = _this select 0;}] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", _owner]; }; }]; [] spawn { while{time<15} do {uisleep 1;}; publicVariable "sa_objects_frequency"; }; }; _g = [] spawn { private _used_freq=[]; private _generated_sa_beacons=[]; private _sa_objects_frequency_ons=[]; private _frequency=0; private _signal_str=0; { _frequency=_x select 1; if (_frequency==-1) then { _frequency=round(random (sa_freq_min*10))/10+sa_freq_min; while{_frequency in _used_freq} do { _frequency=round(random (sa_freq_min*10))/10+sa_freq_min; }; }; _used_freq pushBackUnique _frequency; if(isNil{_x select 2}) then { _generated_sa_beacons pushBackUnique [(_x select 0),_frequency]; } else{ _signal_str=_x select 2; if(_signal_str==-1) then { _signal_str=[sa_min_random_str,sa_max_random_str] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; }; _generated_sa_beacons pushBackUnique [(_x select 0),_frequency,_signal_str]; }; } forEach sa_beacons; while{true} do { _generated_sa_beacons = _generated_sa_beacons select {!((_x # 0) getVariable ["sa_disable", false])}; sa_objects_frequency = _generated_sa_beacons; if!(_sa_objects_frequency_ons isEqualTo sa_objects_frequency) then{ publicVariable "sa_objects_frequency"; _sa_objects_frequency_ons=sa_objects_frequency; }; uiSleep(10); }; }; As said this does for whatever reason work when hosting multiplayer locally (so when player is server). I am at a complete loss as to why it doesn't run so any help is much appreciated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites