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Brian Turner

Having weapons do damage

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This may seem like a crazy idea but...


I got hit by a Remy 2x getting fired by a newbie with 20 kills.  I died.

I shot a different newbie (54 kills) 3x with a Remy, and my friend shot them 3x with a Vz assault rifle.  They didn't have armor.  They didn't stop to heal.  They killed us both (1 shot each with M4) and were only at half health.


So, WTF?   I mean, come on guys.  This is getting pretty F'ing ridiculous at this point.

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Hopefully the weapon overhaul will fix this and many other inaccuracies when it's released, I believe this is set to release when the current PC beta finishes in the coming months.


Checkout the latest Dev Stream on YouTube for more details.

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