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A addon CD ?...

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I heard something about a CD, maibe a addon CD, with the vehicles of VBS1 that could be ported to OFP was in the works...

Is this true?confused.gif

Or am I going to kill someone in the morning... My Glock is loaded.... smile.gif

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I can't say I have heard of it but that don't make in untrue. But on the chance of being right I will say not a chance of this addon for us gamers.

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that would be a little hard to do, all ot of different ppl would need to get thier cuts,

have never heard about this

does not mean it's true

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BIS has stated somewhere(cant remember where) that they will more than likely take some vehicles from VBS1 and port them to OFP, It will probably be a long time though before this happens.

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