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Handgrenades throwing bug?

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After throwing like 3+ handgrandes quickly my inventory system does no longer work. Is this meant to be some sort of spamming grenades protection? 
If so please give me a notice and give me back controls after like 5+ seconds or so. I needed to respawn untill it was fixed. 

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I had this issue too.
After launch some grenades, I got stucked with one in hand and the commands froze, until I die.

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What I am experiencing is different than either of the two scenarios above. In my case, the hand grenade is clearly thrown full distance as you can see it in air going to where you are throwing it. I can take cover behind a vehicle wall, lay prone, etc. but will take significant damage or die from the explosion. This does not happen every time, but it happens enough to where I hesitate to even carry any.

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