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KP Liberation Altis 0.96.7a - Interrogation Problem

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First of all I am not sure if this is the correct subforum for my question - if not please move.


We are currently running a Dedicated Server with the KP Liberation Altis Mission. Everything works so far - but one essential thing is not working. Enemy soldiers that surrendered can be brought to the FOB for Interrogation.

Capturing them works - they join our group as it should be and we can now give them orders - the leader can. Now we took a captured soldier via our Helicopter to our FOB. The soldier should now automatically be interrogated - he should leave our group and just sit down near the FOB Building. That is the task that does not work - the soldier stays in our group and nothing else will happen. We ran around the FOB Building and waited for several minutes but it did not work.


Anyone has an idea why it is not working?


For info we use the following mods:

- No Weapon Sway


- Remove Stamina

- BWMod

- Jasons GPNVG-18 Night Vision

- Enhanced Movement

- DUI Squad Radar


Every hint is appreciated. :)

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OK it seems one of the automated restarts fixed the issue. It works now as it should work. So problem solved.

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