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I have some doubts as to when the bugs will be fixed.

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I have been playing for 56 hours and have found several serious and not so serious problems that directly affect the gameplay. 
1- mouse smoothing.
2- too much darkness inside the houses and inside the houses too much light outside.
3- shooting players behind windows perfect shots don't work sometimes.
4- character animations when getting out of vehicles is too slow.
5- out of sync in the physics of the vehicles make the vehicle teleport in random positions.
6- aiming with the gun with augmentations slows down the performance of the pc to -60% e.g. 120 fps aiming and shooting 52 fps feeling of very strong lag.

at the moment I don't think I left anything but surely there is much more like random disconnections of servers and others.
My question is when will they fix these bugs to play the game again? 


otherwise I like the game and I would be very grateful that having paid for the game they would fix these bugs that hinder the experience thank you very much

  • Haha 1

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Hi abacup,

for your item 4 :

4- character animations when getting out of vehicles is too slow.

I suppose you are talking about vehicle under fire or on fire while you are inside ...

Did you try key 'X' x 2 (twice) to eject from your vehicle ? This 'eject key' should be faster than normal get out.

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